How to Install multibot
Multibot is written in python, so, the first requirement, of course, is to have a python interpreter installed. It should work cross platform, but it's tested only on Linux, i expect no issues on OSX or other UNIX systems, i don't really know if it runs cleanly on windows, any feedback is welcome, but probably it will work on it too with eventually only minor fixes.
Multibot is developed using python 2.X, it will run on any python 2.x >= 2.7, and it should run on python3 too (but it isn't tested. If you test it, please report feedback ).
As for python dependencies, multibot require a number of libraries:
- twisted python
- twistar
- nevow
- my fork of corepost
- a database ( can be MySQL, sqlite, postgreSQL, MariaDB or anything supported by python DBAPI ) ( required only if you need some functionality)
- nexlibs
- TxScheduling
- Authobahn
- txsockjs
other suggested but optioal libraries:
To install multibot just download it from git using git clone
, edit the file multibot/conf/multibot.conf, eventually follow the how-to on how to obtain needed accesses for the protocols you like to use for the bot from the respective services, and then you can run it by just launch multibot/multibotd start ( or debug instead of start to run it in foreground debug mode ), and that's all. If you have the web administration interface enabled, you can connect to it too.