- 17 Oct, 2012 1 commit
vj authored
This is a workaround for corrupted non-square cursors seen on some Windows 7 machines with NVIDIA cards. The corruption only happens when the screen is in portrait mode.
- 15 Oct, 2012 2 commits
Joel Martin authored
Joel Martin authored
The MPL 2.0 license is a "file-level" copyleft license vs the "project-level" nature of the L/GPL. The intention of noVNC has always been that it should be easy to incorporate into existing projects and sites whether free/open or proprietary/commercial. The MPL 2.0 is designed for this sort of combination project but still requires that any distributed modifications to noVNC source files must also be published under the same license. In addition, the MPL 2.0 allows the code to be used in L/GPL projects (the secondary license clause). This means that any projects that are already incorporating noVNC should not be impacted by this change and in fact it should clarify the licensing situation (the exact application of the L/GPL to web applications and interpreted code is somewhat ambiguous). The HTML, CSS, image and font files continue to be under more permissive licenses (see LICENSE.txt). The included websockify python code remains under a LGPLv3 license although the include/websock.js file from the websockify component is now under MPL 2.0 as well. Permission was received from other noVNC authors to make this change to their code license on the following dates: - Chris Gordon (UI): Jun 24, 2012 - Antoine Mercadal (DOM,*util.js): Oct 10, 2012 - William Lightning (UltraVNC repeater): Oct 10, 2012 - Mike Tinglof (tight encoding): Oct 15, 2012
- 24 Jun, 2012 1 commit
Joel Martin authored
Clarify in LICENSE.txt that the noVNC core library is the part that is LGPLv3 licensed. The HTML, CSS, images and fonts are separate from the core library and can be modified and distributed with the noVNC core but under their own license conditions. HTML and CSS: 2-Clause BSD Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1 Images: CC BY SA 3.0 In other words, you can modify the layout and appearance of of noVNC to integrate with an existing or new web site or application without having to publish the source for those modifications under the LGPLv3. However, use of and modification of the noVNC core library (i.e. the core Javascript that makes up noVNC) must still be according to the LGPLv3. Chris Gordon was the other contributor to the HTML, CSS, and images included with noVNC and gave permission for this license clarification on June 23, 2012.
- 17 May, 2012 2 commits
Joel Martin authored
This will keep copyrect rendering actions in order with tight and tightPNG rendering actions (otherwise you can get visual image corruption when they are mixed together). Warning: RAW, RRE and HEXTILE still use immediate render commands so there is still the risk of out-of-order rendering if RAW, RRE, and HEXTILE are mixed with tight and tightPNG. Copyrect will work with either because the renderQ_push function will render copyrects immediately if they are the only thing being pushed on the queue.
Joel Martin authored
The imgQ code in RFB should be a generic rendering queue system in Display. The reason for the render queue in the first place is that images loaded from raw data URI strings aren't immediately ready to display so we have to wait for them to complete 'loading'. However, when data URI images are mixed with other types of rendering actions then things can get out of order. This is the reason for the rendering queue. Currently this only keeps display actions for tight and tightPNG related actions in order (because they use a mix of fills, raw pixel data and data URI images).
- 10 May, 2012 1 commit
Joel Martin authored
Fixes https://github.com/kanaka/noVNC/issues/163 When using an encoding with raw images (tight, tightPNG) we need to draw those image relative to the viewport so that clipping works when the viewport isn't at 0, 0.
- 25 Jan, 2012 1 commit
Mike Tinglof authored
- 12 Jan, 2012 1 commit
Joel Martin authored
Switched to using: http://www.jshint.com/
- 26 Sep, 2011 2 commits
Joel Martin authored
Move viewportChange(), getCleanDirtyReset(), absX() and absY() to the public API section. Also add some function comments.
Joel Martin authored
Display API change: - getTile -> startTile (no longer returns a tile) - setSubTile -> subTile (drop img/tile first parameter) - putTile -> finishTile (no longer takes img/tile paramter) The Display tile logic uses canvas image data directly and caches/reuses a 16x16 imageData tile (for other sizes, the tile is create for each call). This gives a 30% speedup on Chrome 13 (and no significant change for Firefox 3.6/4.0). Other: - Remove rgbxImageFill and cmapImageFill routines. - Simplify constructor tests and just error if createImageData is not supported by canvas instead of . - Remove webkit canvas bug workaround that effects Chrome 7. Chrome 7 usage share is now less than 0.5 percent and the workaround is ugly. Drop the function wrapping in the constructor and the canvas flush() routine. - Remove support for getImageData (Opera 11+ now required) Update browser support list: - Chrome 8+ (really any except 7) - Firefox 3.6+ - Safari 4+ - Opera 11+ - IE9+ - iOS 4.2+
- 23 Sep, 2011 1 commit
Joel Martin authored
Cleanup: - remove unused changeViewportMeta function from include/ui.js - remove some debug output and debug CSS. - rename panel toggle functions and put them in same location in the code. - refactor some code from updateState to updateVisualState routine (renamed from updateSettingsState).
- 22 Sep, 2011 1 commit
Joel Martin authored
API changes (forward compatible): - Display: add 'viewport' conf option to turn on and off viewport mode. - RFB: add 'viewportDrag' option to enable/disable viewport dragging mode. Other: - Add clip mode setting to default UI. For touch devices, clipping is forced on. - Use CSS media queries to adjust visual elements based on screen size. Especially disconnected logo size/position and button text size. - Catch page unload while connected and give a confirm dialog. - Change mouse button selector to a single button that changes between ' ', 'L', 'M', 'R' when clicked (empty means mouse is just being moved and doesn't send clicks). - include/ui.js:setViewClip() routine sets the clipping of the viewport to the current size of the viewport area (if clipping is enabled). - include/ui.js:setViewDrag() toggles/enables/disables viewport dragging mode. - Add several images for the UI and for Apple devices: - images/clipboard.png: clipboard menu icon - images/connect.png: connect menu icon - images/disconnect.png: disconnect button icon - images/keyboard.png: show keyboard button - images/move.png: viewport drag/move toggle button - images/settings.png: settings menu icon - images/screen_320x460.png: iOS app/desktop link start image - images/screen_57x57.png: iOS app icon - images/screen_700x700.png: full size noVNC image
- 14 Sep, 2011 1 commit
Joel Martin authored
- 13 Sep, 2011 1 commit
Joel Martin authored
Part of mobile device support: https://github.com/kanaka/noVNC/issues/48 The Display object is redefined as a larger display region with an equal or smaller visible viewport. The size of the full display region is set/changed using resize(). The viewport is set/changed using viewportChange(). All exposed routines that draw on the display now take coordinates that are absolute (relative to the full display region). For example, the result of fillRect(100, 100, 10, 10, [255,0,0]) will appear in the canvas at (0,0) if the viewport is set to (100,100). Details: - Move the generic part of the viewport code from tests/viewport.html into include/display. - Add two new routines to the Display interface: - viewportChange(deltaX, deltaY, width, height) - This adjusts the position of the visible viewport and/or the size of the viewport. - deltaX and deltaY specify how the position of the viewport should be shifted. The position of the viewport is clamped to the full region size (i.e. cannot outside the display region). - The clean and dirty regions of the display are updated based on calls to this routine. For example, if the viewport width is increased, then there is now a dirty box on the right side of the viewport. Another example, if the viewport is shifted down and to the left over the display region, there are now two dirty boxes: one on the left side and one on the bottom of the viewport. - getCleanDirtyReset() - This returns an object with the clean box and a list of dirty boxes (that need to be redrawn). {'cleanBox': {'x': x, 'y': y, 'w': w, 'h': h}, 'dirtyBoxes': [{'x': x, 'y': y, 'w': w, 'h': h}, ...] } - The coordinates in the clean and dirty boxes are absolute coordinates (relative to the full display region) but they are clipped to the visible viewport. - Calling this function also resets the clean rectangle to be the whole viewport (i.e. nothing visible needs to be redrawn dirty) so the caller of this routine is responsible for redrawing any
- 18 Jul, 2011 1 commit
Joel Martin authored
Instead of R,G,B (red-shift of 0, green-shift of 8, and blue-shift of 16), use the default ordering of B,G,R (red-shift of 16, green-shift of 8, and blue-shift of 0) that tightvncserver uses (and that VMWare's VNC server seems to require). Also, warn in the console if the server does not default to the new format. Fix the tests/canvas.html test. This is a general fix with regards to the rename/refactor of canvas.js into display.js and not specific to the color re-ordering.
- 11 May, 2011 2 commits
Joel Martin authored
- Add conf_defaults which accepts an array of configuration attributes. - Split out user configuration defaults from the actual configuration object. - Add mode field and enforce read-only, write-once, read-write modes.
Joel Martin authored
API changes: - include/canvas.js renamed to include/display.js - Display.rescale() method removed from API. Use Display.set_scale() instead. - Make logo configuration attribute of Display and display it when clear() is called if it is set. API deprecations: - use RFB onUpdateState instead of updateState. - use RFB onClipboard instead of clipboardReceive. See https://github.com/kanaka/noVNC/wiki/ModuleAPI for detailed noVNC modules and API description. Expand and normalize the event/callback interfaces. Standize on "onEventName" form for callbacks. Callback Renames: - RFB updateState -> onUpdateState - RFB clipboardReceive -> onClipboard - Keyboard keyPress -> onKeyPress - Mouse mouseButton -> onMouseButton - Mouse mouseMove -> onMouseMove Callback Additions: - RFB onPasswordRequired - RFB onBell - RFB onFBUReceive - RFB onFBUComplete Other: - Add array type support to Util.conf_default() - Removed a bunch of routines from the Display API that were just used internally and not actually by noVNC: flush, setFillColor, imageDataGet, imageDataCreate, rgbxImageData, rgbxImageFill, cmapImageData, cmapImageFill. - More keyboard/mouse logging when debug turned on. - Some JSLinting
- 29 Apr, 2011 2 commits
Joel Martin authored
Joel Martin authored
Still buggy so not yet activated in the UI, but the hooks are at least here.
- 05 Apr, 2011 1 commit
Joel Martin authored
- 03 Apr, 2011 2 commits
Joel Martin authored
Joel Martin authored
API change: for intergrators that explicitly include the Javascript files (that do not use include/vnc.js)js, include/input.js is a new file that must also be included. The mouse and keyboard handling could be useful on its own so split it out into a Keyboard and Mouse class in include/input.js. This refactoring is preparation to deal with issue #21 - non-US keyboard layouts.
- 29 Mar, 2011 1 commit
Joel Martin authored
Fix mouse button mapping in IE9. All browsers have converged on a standard left=0, middle=1, right=2 ... all except IE that is. Add html5 doctype to tests. In vnc_perf test, use do_test instead of start for function name since start is a keyword in IE. In error about Flash give a link to Adobe's download page.
- 19 Feb, 2011 1 commit
Joel Martin authored
- 24 Jan, 2011 1 commit
Joel Martin authored
Opera 11 native WebSockets (if enabled) seems to have bad behavior for the bufferedAmount so add change from websockify project to allow max bufferedAmount (before send queue is delay) to be configured. Also, Opera 11 and 10.60 behave like Mozilla regarding the '-' key so translate it correctly.
- 19 Jan, 2011 2 commits
Joel Martin authored
Issue #8: https://github.com/kanaka/noVNC/issues#issue/8
Joel Martin authored
Issues #27 (safari cursor rendering messed up) and #29 (firefox 3.6.10 segault). Finally found some better reference on the icon/cursor format which is added to the docs/links file. It seems like I was missing the XOR section. So setting the cursor would cause corruptin in Safari rendering or the segfault for firefox.
- 18 Jan, 2011 1 commit
Joel Martin authored
Check keyLocation and translate numpad keys into numbers. keyLocation is not widely supported yet, but it should start percolating into browsers eventually: http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Events/#events-KeyboardEvent This change is based on: https://github.com/leeor/noVNC/commit/8e59e3772c91eaffaa0f6d53270b97f1fe8510b4
- 17 Jan, 2011 1 commit
Joel Martin authored
- 12 Jan, 2011 1 commit
Joel Martin authored
wswrapper: Getting the wswrapper.c LD_PRELOAD model working has turned out to involve too many dark corners of the glibc/POSIX file descriptor space. I realized that 95% of what I want can be accomplished by adding a "wrap command" mode to wsproxy. The code is still there for now, but consider it experimental at best. Minor fix to dup2 and add dup and dup3 logging. wsproxy Wrap Command: In wsproxy wrap command mode, a command line is specified instead of a target address and port. wsproxy then uses a much simpler LD_PRELOAD library, rebind.so, to move intercept any bind() system calls made by the program. If the bind() call is for the wsproxy listen port number then the real bind() system call is issued for an alternate (free high) port on loopback/localhost. wsproxy then forwards from the listen address/port to the moved port. The --wrap-mode argument takes three options that determine the behavior of wsproxy when the wrapped command returns an exit code (exit or daemonizing): ignore, exit, respawn. For example, this runs vncserver on turns port 5901 into a WebSockets port (rebind.so must be built first): ./utils/wsproxy.py --wrap-mode=ignore 5901 -- vncserver :1 The vncserver command backgrounds itself so the wrap mode is set to "ignore" so that wsproxy keeps running even after it receives an exit code from vncserver. wstelnet: To demonstrate the wrap command mode, I added WebSockets telnet client. For example, this runs telnetd (krb5-telnetd) on turns port 2023 into a WebSockets port (using "respawn" mode since telnetd exits after each connection closes): sudo ./utils/wsproxy.py --wrap-mode=respawn 2023 -- telnetd -debug 2023 Then the utils/wstelnet.html page can be used to connect to the telnetd server on port 2023. The telnet client includes VT100.js (from http://code.google.com/p/sshconsole) which handles the terminal emulation and rendering. rebind: The rebind LD_PRELOAD library is used by wsproxy in wrap command mode to intercept bind() system calls and move the port to a different port on loopback/localhost. The rebind.so library can be built by running make in the utils directory. The rebind library can be used separately from wsproxy by setting the REBIND_OLD_PORT and REBIND_NEW_PORT environment variables prior to executing a command. For example: export export REBIND_PORT_OLD="23" export export REBIND_PORT_NEW="65023" LD_PRELOAD=./rebind.so telnetd -debug 23 Alternately, the rebind script does the same thing: rebind 23 65023 telnetd -debug 23 Other changes/notes: - wsproxy no longer daemonizes by default. Remove -f/--foreground option and add -D/--deamon option. - When wsproxy is used to wrap a command in "respawn" mode, the command will not be respawn more often than 3 times within 10 seconds. - Move getKeysym routine out of Canvas object so that it can be called directly.
- 04 Jan, 2011 1 commit
Joel Martin authored
- 03 Jan, 2011 1 commit
Joel Martin authored
Related to issue Non-US keyboard layout option issue: https://github.com/kanaka/noVNC/issues#issue/21
- 10 Dec, 2010 1 commit
Joel Martin authored
Rename the $() selector to $D() so that it doesn't collide with the jQuery name. The API change is that the 'target' option for Canvas and RFB objects must now be a DOM Canvas element. A string is no longer accepted because this requires that a DOM lookup is done and the Canvas and RFB should have no UI code in them. Modularity.
- 06 Nov, 2010 3 commits
Joel Martin authored
- With a strict doctype, the margin size needs a "px" suffix.
Joel Martin authored
This is WebKit bug https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46319 The workaround is to wrap Canvas render functions with a function that sets a flush timer. The flush function sets the right margin and then 1ms later sets it back. This triggers the canvas to redraw with the correct contents. Two downsides: - rendering is slower, but only on the busted versions of webkit. Correct and useful is better than fast and useless. - There is a barely perceptible jitter of the control buttons because the canvas size is changing by one pixel. To support this functionality, we also have to read out the exact webkit version from the user agent in the render engine detection code in include/util.js.
Joel Martin authored
- Make sure that canvas exists (i.e. didn't throw an error) before trying to call canvas method get_canvas_uri. - Typos in HTML render engine debug output.
- 18 Oct, 2010 1 commit
Joel Martin authored
- Style caching gives a small performance speedup in firefox, but not much. Might not be worth complexity, but leave it in for now.
- 24 Sep, 2010 1 commit
Joel Martin authored
Read the render mode selected by canvas and report it in the initial page loaded status message.
- 23 Sep, 2010 1 commit
Joel Martin authored
- include/util.js: Add type and desc field to conf_default routine. Make comment descriptions of settings into desc parameters that can be queried. Also, use set_FOO in conf_default to set or coerce the current setting so that we always have the right type for the value. - include/rfb.js, include/default_config.js: add connectTimeout setting to address situations with slow connections that may need more than 2 seconds.