Commit ff36b127 authored by Joel Martin's avatar Joel Martin

Refactor settings object, add connectTimeout setting.

- include/util.js: Add type and desc field to conf_default routine.
  Make comment descriptions of settings into desc parameters that can
  be queried. Also, use set_FOO in conf_default to set or coerce the
  current setting so that we always have the right type for the value.

- include/rfb.js, include/default_config.js: add connectTimeout
  setting to address situations with slow connections that may need
  more than 2 seconds.
parent aa787069
......@@ -31,18 +31,20 @@ var that = {}, // Public API interface
c_mouseMove = null;
// Capability settings, default can be overridden
Util.conf_default(conf, that, 'prefer_js', null);
Util.conf_default(conf, that, 'cursor_uri', null);
// Configuration settings
Util.conf_default(conf, that, 'target', null);
// Area that traps keyboard input
Util.conf_default(conf, that, 'focusContainer', document);
Util.conf_default(conf, that, 'true_color', true);
Util.conf_default(conf, that, 'focused', true);
Util.conf_default(conf, that, 'colourMap', []);
Util.conf_default(conf, that, 'scale', 1);
function cdef(v, type, defval, desc) {
Util.conf_default(conf, that, v, type, defval, desc); }
// Capability settings, default can be overridden
cdef('prefer_js', 'raw', null, 'Prefer Javascript over canvas methods');
cdef('cursor_uri', 'raw', null, 'Can we render cursor using data URI');
cdef('target', 'dom', null, 'Canvas element for VNC viewport');
cdef('focusContainer', 'dom', document, 'DOM element that traps keyboard input');
cdef('true_color', 'bool', true, 'Request true color pixel data');
cdef('focused', 'bool', true, 'Capture and send key strokes');
cdef('colourMap', 'raw', [], 'Colour map array (not true color)');
cdef('scale', 'float', 1, 'VNC viewport scale factor');
// Override some specific getters/setters
that.set_prefer_js = function(val) {
......@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ load: function(target) {
html += ' type="checkbox" checked> True Color</li>';
html += ' <li><input id="VNC_cursor"';
html += ' type="checkbox"> Local Cursor</li>';
html += ' <li><input id="VNC_connectTimeout"';
html += ' type="input"> Connect Timeout (s)</li>';
html += ' <hr>';
// Stylesheet selection dropdown
......@@ -113,6 +115,7 @@ load: function(target) {
DC.initSetting('encrypt', false);
DC.initSetting('true_color', true);
DC.initSetting('cursor', false);
DC.initSetting('connectTimeout', 2);
DC.rfb = RFB({'target': 'VNC_canvas',
'updateState': DC.updateState,
......@@ -215,6 +218,7 @@ clickSettingsMenu: function() {
DC.updateSetting('cursor', false);
$('VNC_cursor').disabled = true;
......@@ -245,6 +249,7 @@ settingsDisabled: function(disabled, rfb) {
DefaultControls.updateSetting('cursor', false);
$('VNC_cursor').disabled = true;
$('VNC_connectTimeout').disabled = disabled;
//Util.Debug("<< settingsDisabled");
......@@ -257,6 +262,7 @@ settingsApply: function() {
if (DC.rfb.get_canvas().get_cursor_uri()) {
......@@ -357,6 +363,7 @@ connect: function() {
DC.rfb.connect(host, port, password);
......@@ -22,8 +22,11 @@
#VNC_encrypt {
#VNC_connectTimeout {
width: 30;
#VNC_connect_button {
width: 100px;
width: 110px;
#VNC_status_bar td {
......@@ -127,31 +127,27 @@ var that = {}, // Public API interface
// Configuration settings
function cdef(v, type, defval, desc) {
Util.conf_default(conf, that, v, type, defval, desc); }
// VNC viewport rendering Canvas
Util.conf_default(conf, that, 'target', 'VNC_canvas');
// Area that traps keyboard input
Util.conf_default(conf, that, 'focusContainer', document);
cdef('target', 'str', 'VNC_canvas', 'VNC viewport rendering Canvas');
cdef('focusContainer', 'dom', document, 'Area that traps keyboard input');
Util.conf_default(conf, that, 'encrypt', false, true);
Util.conf_default(conf, that, 'true_color', true, true);
Util.conf_default(conf, that, 'local_cursor', false, true);
cdef('encrypt', 'bool', false, 'Use TLS/SSL/wss encryption');
cdef('true_color', 'bool', true, 'Request true color pixel data');
cdef('local_cursor', 'bool', false, 'Request locally rendered cursor');
// time to wait for connection
Util.conf_default(conf, that, 'connectTimeout', 2000);
// time to wait for disconnection
Util.conf_default(conf, that, 'disconnectTimeout', 3000);
// frequency to check for send/receive
Util.conf_default(conf, that, 'check_rate', 217);
// frequency to send frameBufferUpdate requests
Util.conf_default(conf, that, 'fbu_req_rate', 1413);
cdef('connectTimeout', 'int', 2, 'Time (s) to wait for connection');
cdef('disconnectTimeout', 'int', 3, 'Time (s) to wait for disconnection');
cdef('check_rate', 'int', 217, 'Timing (ms) of send/receive check');
cdef('fbu_req_rate', 'int', 1413, 'Timing (ms) of frameBufferUpdate requests');
// state update callback
Util.conf_default(conf, that, 'updateState', function () {
Util.Debug(">> externalUpdateState stub"); });
// clipboard contents received callback
Util.conf_default(conf, that, 'clipboardReceive', function () {
Util.Debug(">> clipboardReceive stub"); });
'func', function() { Util.Debug("updateState stub"); },
'callback: state update');
'func', function() { Util.Debug("clipboardReceive stub"); },
'callback: clipboard contents received');
// Override/add some specific getters/setters
......@@ -426,7 +422,7 @@ updateState = function(state, statusMsg) {
connTimer = setTimeout(function () {
updateState('failed', "Connect timeout");
}, conf.connectTimeout);
}, conf.connectTimeout * 1000);
......@@ -437,9 +433,11 @@ updateState = function(state, statusMsg) {
case 'disconnect':
disconnTimer = setTimeout(function () {
updateState('failed', "Disconnect timeout");
}, conf.disconnectTimeout);
if (! test_mode) {
disconnTimer = setTimeout(function () {
updateState('failed', "Disconnect timeout");
}, conf.disconnectTimeout * 1000);
// WebSocket.onclose transitions to 'disconnected'
......@@ -526,7 +524,7 @@ function handle_message() {
recv_message = function(e) {
//Util.Debug(">> recv_message");
//Util.Debug(">> recv_message: " +;
try {
......@@ -131,10 +131,9 @@ Util.getQueryVar = function(name, defVal) {
// Set defaults for Crockford style function namespaces
Util.conf_default = function(cfg, api, v, val, force_bool) {
if (typeof cfg[v] === 'undefined') {
cfg[v] = val;
Util.conf_default = function(cfg, api, v, type, defval, desc) {
// Description
api['get_' + v + '_desc'] = desc;
// Default getter
if (typeof api['get_' + v] === 'undefined') {
api['get_' + v] = function () {
......@@ -144,16 +143,26 @@ Util.conf_default = function(cfg, api, v, val, force_bool) {
// Default setter
if (typeof api['set_' + v] === 'undefined') {
api['set_' + v] = function (val) {
if (force_bool) {
if (type in {'boolean':1, 'bool':1}) {
if ((!val) || (val in {'0':1, 'no':1, 'false':1})) {
val = false;
} else {
val = true;
} else if (type in {'integer':1, 'int':1}) {
val = parseInt(val, 10);
cfg[v] = val;
if (typeof cfg[v] === 'undefined') {
// Set to default
api['set_' + v](defval);
} else {
// Coerce existing setting to the right type
api['set_' + v](cfg[v]);
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