Commit aa787069 authored by Joel Martin's avatar Joel Martin

rfb.js: wait for SecurityResult failure reason bytes.

Yet another weird VNC server behavior: sending a failure and length
before the reason message. To calculated the length, the reason string
is already available, why not just send everything as one packet. Oh
parent 005d9ee9
......@@ -797,6 +797,11 @@ init_msg = function() {
case 1: // failed
if (rfb_version >= 3.8) {
reason_len = rQshift32();
if (rQlen() < reason_len) {
Util.Debug(" waiting for SecurityResult reason bytes");
rQi -= 8; // Unshift the status and length
reason = rQshiftStr(reason_len);
updateState('failed', reason);
} else {
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