Commit a1163dc2 authored by Guillaume Seguin's avatar Guillaume Seguin

Add some nice variables to control mem alloc for 3D viz

parent f3977e28
......@@ -350,16 +350,45 @@ class GcodeModel(Model):
self.count_travel_indices = count_travel_indices = [0]
self.count_print_indices = count_print_indices = [0]
self.count_print_vertices = count_print_vertices = [0]
# Some trivial computations, but that's mostly for documentation :)
# Not like 10 multiplications are going to cost much time vs what's
# about to happen :)
# Max number of values which can be generated per gline
# to store coordinates/colors/normals.
# Nicely enough we have 3 per kind of thing for all kinds.
coordspervertex = 3
verticesperline = 4
coordsperline = coordspervertex * verticesperline
coords_count = lambda nlines: nlines * coordsperline
travelverticesperline = 2
travelcoordsperline = coordspervertex * travelverticesperline
travel_coords_count = lambda nlines: nlines * travelcoordsperline
trianglesperface = 2
facesperbox = 4
trianglesperbox = trianglesperface * facesperbox
verticespertriangle = 3
indicesperbox = verticespertriangle * trianglesperbox
boxperline = 1
indicesperline = indicesperbox * boxperline
indices_count = lambda nlines: nlines * indicesperline
nlines = len(model_data)
travel_vertices = self.travels = numpy.zeros(nlines * 6, dtype = GLfloat)
ntravelcoords = travel_coords_count(nlines)
ncoords = coords_count(nlines)
nindices = indices_count(nlines)
travel_vertices = self.travels = numpy.zeros(ntravelcoords, dtype = GLfloat)
travel_vertex_k = 0
vertices = self.vertices = numpy.zeros(nlines * 12, dtype = GLfloat)
vertices = self.vertices = numpy.zeros(ncoords, dtype = GLfloat)
vertex_k = 0
colors = self.colors = numpy.zeros(nlines * 12, dtype = GLfloat)
colors = self.colors = numpy.zeros(ncoords, dtype = GLfloat)
color_k = 0
normals = self.normals = numpy.zeros(nlines * 12, dtype = GLfloat)
normals = self.normals = numpy.zeros(ncoords, dtype = GLfloat)
normal_k = 0
indices = self.indices = numpy.zeros(nlines * 24, dtype = GLuint)
indices = self.indices = numpy.zeros(nindices, dtype = GLuint)
index_k = 0
self.layer_idxs_map = {}
self.layer_stops = [0]
......@@ -380,12 +409,15 @@ class GcodeModel(Model):
while layer_idx < len(model_data.all_layers):
with self.lock:
nlines = len(model_data)
ntravelcoords = travel_coords_count(nlines)
ncoords = coords_count(nlines)
nindices = indices_count(nlines)
if nlines * 12 != vertices.size:
self.travels.resize(nlines * 6, refcheck = False)
self.vertices.resize(nlines * 12, refcheck = False)
self.colors.resize(nlines * 12, refcheck = False)
self.normals.resize(nlines * 12, refcheck = False)
self.indices.resize(nlines * 24, refcheck = False)
self.travels.resize(ntravelcoords, refcheck = False)
self.vertices.resize(ncoords, refcheck = False)
self.colors.resize(ncoords, refcheck = False)
self.normals.resize(ncoords, refcheck = False)
self.indices.resize(nindices, refcheck = False)
layer = model_data.all_layers[layer_idx]
has_movement = False
for gline_idx, gline in enumerate(layer):
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