Commit f3977e28 authored by Guillaume Seguin's avatar Guillaume Seguin

Using angles can lose the direction, revert to using vectors

parent 986a4484
......@@ -365,8 +365,8 @@ class GcodeModel(Model):
self.layer_stops = [0]
prev_is_extruding = False
prev_move_x = None
prev_move_y = None
prev_move_normal_x = None
prev_move_normal_y = None
prev_move_angle = None
prev_pos = (0, 0, 0)
......@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ class GcodeModel(Model):
norm = math.sqrt(norm)
move_normal_x = - delta_y / norm
move_normal_y = delta_x / norm
move_angle = math.atan2(delta_y, -delta_x)
move_angle = math.atan2(delta_y, delta_x)
# FIXME: compute these dynamically
path_halfwidth = self.path_halfwidth * 1.2
......@@ -431,14 +431,18 @@ class GcodeModel(Model):
if prev_is_extruding:
# Store previous vertices indices
prev_id = vertex_k / 3 - 4
# Average directions
avg_angle = (move_angle + prev_move_angle) / 2
avg_move_normal_x = (prev_move_normal_x + move_normal_x) / 2
avg_move_normal_y = (prev_move_normal_y + move_normal_y) / 2
norm = avg_move_normal_x * avg_move_normal_x + avg_move_normal_y * avg_move_normal_y
if norm == 0:
avg_move_normal_x = move_normal_x
avg_move_normal_y = move_normal_y
norm = math.sqrt(norm)
avg_move_normal_x /= norm
avg_move_normal_y /= norm
delta_angle = move_angle - prev_move_angle
delta_angle = (delta_angle + twopi) % twopi
avg_move_x = math.cos(avg_angle)
avg_move_y = math.sin(avg_angle)
avg_move_normal_x = -avg_move_y
avg_move_normal_y = -avg_move_x
fact = math.cos(delta_angle / 2)
fact = max(0.3, abs(fact))
# TODO: Handle cases where the above would create a "peak"
......@@ -457,9 +461,9 @@ class GcodeModel(Model):
new_vertices.extend((prev_pos[0], prev_pos[1], prev_pos[2] - path_halfheight))
new_vertices.extend((p2x, p2y, prev_pos[2]))
new_normals.extend((0, 0, 1))
new_normals.extend((-move_normal_x, -move_normal_y, 0))
new_normals.extend((-avg_move_normal_x, -avg_move_normal_y, 0))
new_normals.extend((0, 0, -1))
new_normals.extend((move_normal_x, move_normal_y, 0))
new_normals.extend((avg_move_normal_x, avg_move_normal_y, 0))
first = vertex_k / 3
# Link to previous
new_indices += triangulate_box(prev_id, prev_id + 1,
......@@ -521,8 +525,8 @@ class GcodeModel(Model):
color_k += len(new_colors)
prev_is_extruding = True
prev_move_x = delta_x
prev_move_y = delta_y
prev_move_normal_x = move_normal_x
prev_move_normal_y = move_normal_y
prev_move_angle = move_angle
prev_pos = current_pos
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