1. 05 Jan, 2012 1 commit
  2. 15 Dec, 2011 4 commits
  3. 01 Dec, 2011 1 commit
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Add View Only mode setting. · 06a9ef0c
      Joel Martin authored
      Resolve issue: https://github.com/kanaka/noVNC/pull/101
      Based on proposal from @mightpenguin:
      Matthew Balman <emperor@mightypenguin.org>
      If view_only option is set then do not send mouse and keyboard events.
      This is not a secure/enforced way to make a client view only. To
      enforce view only at the server, most VNC servers support setting
      a view only password.
  4. 19 Nov, 2011 2 commits
  5. 17 Nov, 2011 2 commits
  6. 07 Nov, 2011 1 commit
  7. 31 Oct, 2011 1 commit
  8. 29 Oct, 2011 1 commit
  9. 28 Oct, 2011 2 commits
  10. 08 Oct, 2011 2 commits
  11. 29 Sep, 2011 6 commits
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      websockify --run-once, --timeout, numpy fallback · 1e508715
      Joel Martin authored
      Pull websockify 724aa3a.
      - Use array module for unmasking HyBi when no numpy module is
      - Detect client close properly when using python 3.
      - Print request URL path is specified.
      - New option --run-once will exit after handling a single WebSocket
        connection (but not ater flash policy or normal web requests).
      - New option --timeout TIME will stop listening for new connections
        after exit after TIME seconds (the master process shuts down).
        Existing WebSocket connections will continue but once all
        connections are closed all processes will terminate.
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Fix README screenshot src. · 65db2d82
      Joel Martin authored
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Update README screenshots. · b29e06f3
      Joel Martin authored
    • Joel Martin's avatar
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Formatting. Image renames/cleanup. · 5299db1a
      Joel Martin authored
      - Remove the images using the old font.
      - Simplify the naming of the new control bar icon images.
      - Change keyboard input type to 'email'. 'url' type doesn't have
        a space bar.
      - Some clarifications to main LICENSE.txt file.
    • Chris Gordon's avatar
      Mobile icons. · 938daad1
      Chris Gordon authored
      - CSS highlighting of buttons when selected.
      - Keyboard button tweaked to allow show/hide toggle of keyboard.
      Signed-off-by: 's avatarChris Gordon <snorkeyg@gmail.com>
  12. 28 Sep, 2011 1 commit
  13. 27 Sep, 2011 3 commits
  14. 26 Sep, 2011 4 commits
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Move viewport functions. · 7cd6118c
      Joel Martin authored
      Move viewportChange(), getCleanDirtyReset(), absX() and absY() to the
      public API section. Also add some function comments.
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Remove support for non-HTML5 browsers. · 490d471c
      Joel Martin authored
      Display API change:
          - getTile -> startTile (no longer returns a tile)
          - setSubTile -> subTile (drop img/tile first parameter)
          - putTile -> finishTile (no longer takes img/tile paramter)
      The Display tile logic uses canvas image data directly and
      caches/reuses a 16x16 imageData tile (for other sizes, the tile is
      create for each call). This gives a 30% speedup on Chrome
      13 (and no significant change for Firefox 3.6/4.0).
      - Remove rgbxImageFill and cmapImageFill routines.
      - Simplify constructor tests and just error if createImageData is not
        supported by canvas instead of .
      - Remove webkit canvas bug workaround that effects Chrome 7. Chrome
        7 usage share is now less than 0.5 percent and the workaround is
        ugly. Drop the function wrapping in the constructor and the canvas
        flush() routine.
      - Remove support for getImageData (Opera 11+ now required)
      Update browser support list:
          - Chrome 8+ (really any except 7)
          - Firefox 3.6+
          - Safari 4+
          - Opera 11+
          - IE9+
          - iOS 4.2+
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      include/ui.js: remove console.log debug. · 859fc7f1
      Joel Martin authored
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Make tests/vnc_perf.html work again. · 13106063
      Joel Martin authored
  15. 23 Sep, 2011 2 commits
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Fixing iOS clipping, keyboard issues. · a7db5059
      Joel Martin authored
      - Make sure that on iOS the clipping setting is always forced to be
      - Hide the showKeyboard button unless connected.
      - Use the URL text entry method and disable autocorrect and
        autocapitalize in the show keyboard input box.
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Only show move/drag button when clipping. Cleanup. · c506a481
      Joel Martin authored
      - remove unused changeViewportMeta function from include/ui.js
      - remove some debug output and debug CSS.
      - rename panel toggle functions and put them in same location in the
      - refactor some code from updateState to updateVisualState routine
        (renamed from updateSettingsState).
  16. 22 Sep, 2011 1 commit
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Viewport clip/drag for mobile/touchscreen devices. · a5df24b4
      Joel Martin authored
      API changes (forward compatible):
      - Display: add 'viewport' conf option to turn on and off viewport
      - RFB: add 'viewportDrag' option to enable/disable viewport dragging
      - Add clip mode setting to default UI. For touch devices, clipping is
        forced on.
      - Use CSS media queries to adjust visual elements based on screen
        size. Especially disconnected logo size/position and button text size.
      - Catch page unload while connected and give a confirm dialog.
      - Change mouse button selector to a single button that changes between
        ' ', 'L', 'M', 'R' when clicked (empty means mouse is just being
        moved and doesn't send clicks).
      - include/ui.js:setViewClip() routine sets the clipping of the
        viewport to the current size of the viewport area (if clipping is
      - include/ui.js:setViewDrag() toggles/enables/disables viewport
        dragging mode.
      - Add several images for the UI and for Apple devices:
          - images/clipboard.png: clipboard menu icon
          - images/connect.png: connect menu icon
          - images/disconnect.png: disconnect button icon
          - images/keyboard.png: show keyboard button
          - images/move.png: viewport drag/move toggle button
          - images/settings.png: settings menu icon
          - images/screen_320x460.png: iOS app/desktop link start image
          - images/screen_57x57.png: iOS app icon
          - images/screen_700x700.png: full size noVNC image
  17. 14 Sep, 2011 2 commits
  18. 13 Sep, 2011 4 commits
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Merge branch 'master' into mobile · 7e5f81f2
      Joel Martin authored
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Framebuffer requests based on clean/dirty areas. · 832c7445
      Joel Martin authored
      New routine fbUpdateRequests that builds the update request messages
      based on the result of display.getCleanDirtyReset().
      - Also, fix fbUpdateRequest to properly accept x,y,xw,yw parameters.
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Fix window/document sizing in firefox. · b70ce077
      Joel Martin authored
      Another firefox issue is that height: 100% is calculated as 100% of
      the containing element even when the containing element is the window.
      This means that the size of any sibling element shifts the window size
      down by that much and causes the vertical scroll bars to appear. This
      doesn't happen in Chrome.
      - So instead, put a pad element inside the noVNC_screen element that
        is the size of the control bar. This is hidden by the control bar,
        however, it causes things to be sized correctly.
      - Also, rename noVNC_defaultScreen to noVNC_logo.
      - Clean some style specification out of the HTML.
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Firefox offset bug: use margin instead of padding. · 1c3df652
      Joel Martin authored
      For some reason, the position calculation is broken in firefox when
      a DOM object in the ancestry change uses padding. So use margin to
      shift the view area down.