Commit bc715065 authored by Joel Martin's avatar Joel Martin

README: feature section and minor rearranging.

parent 2e7d81ce
......@@ -6,14 +6,26 @@
noVNC is a HTML5 VNC client that runs well in any modern browser
including mobile browsers (iPhone/iPad and Android).
noVNC is licensed under the
Notable commits, announcements and news are posted to
@<a href="">noVNC</a>
There are many companies/projects that have integrated noVNC into
their products including: [Sentry Data Systems](, [Ganeti Web Manager](, [Archipel](, [openQRM](, [OpenNode](, [OpenStack](, [Broadway (HTML5 GDK/GTK+ backend)](, [OpenNebula](, [CloudSigma](, [Zentyal (formerly eBox)](, [SlapOS](, [Intel MeshCentral](, and [Amahi]( See [this wiki page]( for more info and links.
Notable commits, announcements and news are posted to
@<a href="">noVNC</a>
### Features
* Supports all modern browsers including mobile (iOS, Android)
* Supported VNC encodings: raw, copyrect, rre, hextile, tightPNG
* WebSocket SSL/TLS encryption (i.e. "wss://") support
* 24-bit true color and 8 bit colour mapped
* Supports desktop resize notification/pseudo-encoding
* Local or remote cursor
* Clipboard copy/paste
* Clipping or scolling modes for large remote screens
* Easy site integration and theming (3 example themes included)
* Licensed under the [LGPLv3](
### Screenshots
......@@ -48,9 +60,7 @@ See more screenshots <a href="">h
Unless you are using a VNC server with support for WebSockets
connections (such as [x11vnc/libvncserver](,
you need to use a WebSockets to TCP socket proxy. There is
a python proxy included ('websockify'). One advantage of using the
proxy is that it has builtin support for SSL/TLS encryption (i.e.
a python proxy included ('websockify').
### Quick Start
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