Commit 7687993d authored by Spencer Bliven's avatar Spencer Bliven

Added code to dynamically rescale the graph

Tries to determine which sensors are active and keep those within the
bounds of the graph. For instance, if the bed is disconnected, zooms to
show only the extruder, allowing sub-degree changes to be shown.
parent b4e43c22
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
# along with Printrun. If not, see <>.
import wx, random
from math import log10,floor
from math import log10,floor,ceil
from bufferedcanvas import *
......@@ -42,14 +42,16 @@ class Graph(BufferedCanvas):
self.minyvalue = 0
self.maxyvalue = 250
self.rescaley = True # should the Y axis be rescaled dynamically?
if self.rescaley:
self._ybounds = Graph._YBounds(self)
#If rescaley is set then ybars gives merely an estimate
#Note that "bars" actually indicate the number of grid _intervals_
self.ybars = 5
self.xbars = 6 # One bar per 10 second
self.xsteps = 60 # Covering 1 minute in the graph
self.y_offset = 1 # This is to show the line even when value is 0 and maxyvalue
self._lastyvalue = 0
def OnPaint(self, evt):
dc = wx.PaintDC(self)
gc = wx.GraphicsContext.Create(dc)
......@@ -59,15 +61,12 @@ class Graph(BufferedCanvas):
if self.rescaley:
def updateYBounds(self):
self.minyvalue = 0
self.maxyvalue = 250
def drawgrid(self, dc, gc):
#cold, medium, hot = wx.Colour(0, 167, 223), wx.Colour(239, 233, 119), wx.Colour(210, 50.100)
#col1 = wx.Colour(255, 0, 0, 255)
......@@ -75,40 +74,33 @@ class Graph(BufferedCanvas):
#b = gc.CreateLinearGradientBrush(0, 0, w, h, col1, col2)
gc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.Colour(255, 0, 0, 0), 4))
gc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.Colour(255, 0, 0, 0), 1))
#gc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(wx.Colour(245, 245, 255, 52)))
#gc.SetBrush(gc.CreateBrush(wx.Brush(wx.Colour(0, 0, 0, 255))))
#gc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.Colour(255, 0, 0, 0), 4))
gc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.Colour(255, 0, 0, 255), 1))
#gc.DrawLines(wx.Point(0, 0), wx.Point(50, 10))
#path = gc.CreatePath()
#path.MoveToPoint(0.0, 0.0)
#path.AddLineToPoint(0.0, 100.0)
#path.AddLineToPoint(100.0, 0.0)
#path.AddCircle( 50.0, 50.0, 50.0 )
font = wx.Font(10, wx.DEFAULT, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)
gc.SetFont(font, wx.Colour(23, 44, 44))
# draw vertical bars
dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.Colour(225, 225, 225), 1))
for x in range(self.xbars):
dc.DrawLine(x*(float(self.width)/self.xbars), 0, x*(float(self.width)/self.xbars), self.height)
for x in range(self.xbars+1):
dc.DrawLine(x*(float(self.width-1)/(self.xbars-1)), 0, x*(float(self.width-1)/(self.xbars-1)), self.height)
# draw horizontal bars
spacing = self.calculate_spacing()
spacing = self._calculate_spacing() #spacing between bars, in degrees
yspan = self.maxyvalue-self.minyvalue
bars = int(yspan/spacing)
ybars = int(yspan/spacing) #Should be close to self.ybars
firstbar = int(ceil(self.minyvalue/spacing)) #in degrees
dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.Colour(225, 225, 225), 1))
for y in xrange(bars):
y_pos = y*(float(self.height)/self.ybars)
for y in xrange(firstbar,firstbar+ybars+1):
#y_pos = y*(float(self.height)/self.ybars)
degrees = y*spacing
y_pos = self._y_pos(degrees)
dc.DrawLine(0, y_pos, self.width, y_pos)
gc.DrawText(unicode(y*spacing), 1, y_pos - (font.GetPointSize() / 2))
......@@ -123,15 +115,18 @@ class Graph(BufferedCanvas):
#gc.DrawLines([[20, 30], [10, 53]])
#dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.Colour(255, 0, 0, 0), 1))
def calculate_spacing(self):
def _y_pos(self,temperature):
"""Converts a temperature, in degrees, to a pixel position"""
#fraction of the screen from the bottom
frac = float(temperature-self.minyvalue)/(self.maxyvalue-self.minyvalue)
return int( (1.0-frac)*(self.height-1) )
def _calculate_spacing(self):
# Allow grids of spacings 1,2.5,5,10,25,50,100,etc
yspan = float(self.maxyvalue-self.minyvalue)
print "yspan=%f"%yspan
log_yspan = log10( yspan/self.ybars )
print "log_yspan=%f"%log_yspan
exponent = int( floor(log_yspan) )
print "exponent=%f"%exponent
#calculate boundary points between allowed spacings
log1_25 = log10(2)+log10(1)+log10(2.5)-log10(1+2.5)
......@@ -154,11 +149,14 @@ class Graph(BufferedCanvas):
dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.Colour(r, g, b, a), 1))
x_add = float(self.width)/self.xsteps
x_pos = float(0.0)
lastxvalue = float(0.0)
x_pos = 0.0
lastxvalue = 0.0
lastyvalue = 0.0
for temperature in (temperature_list):
y_pos = int((float(self.height-self.y_offset)/self.maxyvalue)*temperature) + self.y_offset
#y_pos = int((float(self.height-self.y_offset)/self.maxyvalue)*temperature) + self.y_offset
#y_pos = int( float(temperature-self.minyvalue)/(self.maxyvalue-self.minyvalue)*(self.height-self.y_offset) + self.y_offset )
y_pos = self._y_pos(temperature)
if (x_pos > 0.0): # One need 2 points to draw a line.
dc.DrawLine(lastxvalue, self.height-self._lastyvalue, x_pos, self.height-y_pos)
......@@ -275,3 +273,69 @@ class Graph(BufferedCanvas):
self.drawextruder0temp(dc, gc)
self.drawextruder1targettemp(dc, gc)
self.drawextruder1temp(dc, gc)
class _YBounds(object):
"""Small helper class to claculate y bounds dynamically"""
def __init__(self, graph, minimum_scale=1.0,buffer=0.10):
graph parent object to calculate scales for
minimum_scale minimum range to show on the graph
buffer amount of padding to add above & below the
displayed temperatures. Given as a fraction of the
total range. (Eg .05 to use 90% of the range for
self.graph = graph
self.min_scale = minimum_scale
self.buffer = buffer
def update(self):
"""Updates graph.minyvalue and graph.maxyvalue based on current temperatures
#TODO Smart update. Only do full calculation every 10s. Otherwise, just look at current graph & expand if necessary
self.graph.minyvalue, self.graph.maxyvalue = self.getBounds()
def getBounds(self):
Calculates the bounds based on the current temperatures
* Include the full extruder0 history
* Include the current target temp (but not necessarily old settings)
* Include the extruder1 and/or bed temp if
1) The target temp is >0
2) The history has ever been above 5
* Include at least min_scale
* Include at least buffer above & below the extreme temps
extruder0_min = min(self.graph.extruder0temps)
extruder0_max = max(self.graph.extruder0temps)
extruder0_target = self.graph.extruder0targettemps[-1]
extruder1_min = min(self.graph.extruder1temps)
extruder1_max = max(self.graph.extruder1temps)
extruder1_target = self.graph.extruder1targettemps[-1]
bed_min = min(self.graph.bedtemps)
bed_max = max(self.graph.bedtemps)
bed_target = self.graph.bedtargettemps[-1]
miny = min(extruder0_min, extruder0_target)
maxy = max(extruder0_max, extruder0_target)
if extruder1_target > 0 or extruder1_max > 5: #use extruder1
miny = min(miny, extruder1_min, extruder1_target)
maxy = max(maxy, extruder1_max, extruder1_target)
if bed_target > 0 or bed_max > 5: #use HBP
miny = min(miny, bed_min, bed_target)
maxy = max(maxy, bed_max, bed_target)
padding = (maxy-miny)*self.buffer/(1-2*self.buffer)
miny -= padding
maxy += padding
if maxy-miny < self.min_scale:
extrapadding = (self.min_scale-maxy+miny)/2.0
miny -= extrapadding
maxy += extrapadding
return (miny,maxy)
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