//==============================LCD and SD support=============================
//============================ LCD and SD support ===========================
// Choose ONE of these 3 charsets. This has to match your hardware. Ignored for full graphic display.
// To find out what type you have - compile with (test) - upload - click to get the menu. You'll see two typical lines from the upper half of the charset.
#define SD_FINISHED_STEPPERRELEASE true //if sd support and the file is finished: disable steppers?
#define SD_FINISHED_RELEASECOMMAND "M84 X Y Z E" // You might want to keep the z enabled so your bed stays in place.
// Disable steppers when the file is done printing
// Command to send. You may want to keep Z enabled so your bed stays in place.
#define SDCARD_RATHERRECENTFIRST //reverse file order of sd card menu display. Its sorted practically after the file system block order.
// if a file is deleted, it frees a block. hence, the order is not purely chronological. To still have auto0.g accessible, there is again the option to do that.
@@ -284,7 +303,7 @@
// Show a progress bar on HD44780 LCDs for SD printing