Add documentation for laser

parent adc816d4
......@@ -45,6 +45,9 @@ NEED UPGRADE
* Singlenozzle support
* NPr2 support, multiextruder by NicolaP
* Laserbeam support
* Laser for RAMPS buildlog based 3d laser cutter (like modified chinese K40) with both vectorial and raster support
compatible with inkscape plugin at
* Laser pheripherals (water cooling, air assisted lasering)
* Firmware test
* Support for a filament diameter sensor, which adjusts extrusion volume
* Support for a hall effect sensor for calucalte Wh. Example sensor ACS712 20A range Current Sensor Module.
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This diff is collapsed.
//============================= Laser Settings ==============================
// Laser control is used by the Muve1 3D printer and the laser cutter
//// The following define selects how to control the laser. Please choose the one that matches your setup.
// 1 = Single pin control - LOW when off, HIGH when on, PWM to adjust intensity
// 2 = Two pin control - A firing pin for which LOW = off, HIGH = on, and a seperate intensity pin which carries a constant PWM signal and adjusts duty cycle to control intensity
// mUVe, and K40 chinese machines uses 2, AMRI ablative uses 1, AMRI SLS uses 2
// Uncomment the following if your laser firing pin (not the PWM pin) for two pin control requires a HIGH signal to fire rather than a low (eg Red Sail M300 RS 3040)
/// #define HIGH_TO_FIRE
// Uncomment the following to enable the use of the PWM (the one for the extruder 0) to drive a peltier cell or any PWM driven cooler for the laser
//// The following defines select which G codes tell the laser to fire. It's OK to uncomment more than one.
#define LASER_FIRE_G1 10 // fire the laser on a G1 move, extinguish when the move ends
#define LASER_FIRE_SPINDLE 11 // fire the laser on M3, extinguish on M5
#define LASER_FIRE_E 12 // fire the laser when the E axis moves
//// Raster mode enables the laser to etch bitmap data at high speeds. Increases command buffer size substantially.
#define LASER_MAX_RASTER_LINE 68 // maximum number of base64 encoded pixels per raster gcode command
#define LASER_RASTER_ASPECT_RATIO 1 // pixels aren't square on most displays, 1.33 == 4:3 aspect ratio.
#define LASER_RASTER_MM_PER_PULSE 0.2 //Can be overridden by providing an R value in M649 command : M649 S17 B2 D0 R0.1 F4000
//// Uncomment the following if the laser cutter is equipped with a peripheral relay board
//// to control power to an exhaust fan, water pump, laser power supply, etc.
//#define LASER_PERIPHERALS_TIMEOUT 30000 // Number of milliseconds to wait for status signal from peripheral control board
//// Uncomment the following line to enable cubic bezier curve movement with the G5 code
// #define G5_BEZIER
// Uncomment these options for the mUVe 1 3D printer
// #define CUSTOM_MENDEL_NAME "mUVe1 Printer"
// #define LASER_WATTS 0.05
// #define LASER_DIAMETER 0.1 // milimeters
// #define LASER_PWM 8000 // hertz
// #define MUVE_Z_PEEL // The mUVe 1 uses a special peel maneuver between each layer, it requires independent control of each Z motor
// Uncomment these options for the laser cutter, and other similar models
#define CUSTOM_MENDEL_NAME "Laser Cutter"
#define LASER_WATTS 40.0
#define LASER_DIAMETER 0.1 // milimeters
#define LASER_PWM 50000 // hertz
#define LASER_FOCAL_HEIGHT 74.50 // z axis position at which the laser is focused
//Uncomment for AMRI Ablative or SLS
//#define CUSTOM_MENDEL_NAME "Laser Cutter"
//#define LASER_WATTS 40.0
//#define LASER_DIAMETER 0.1 // milimeters
//#define LASER_PWM 25000 // hertz
//#define LASER_FOCAL_HEIGHT 74.50 // z axis position at which the laser is focused
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