• Varun Sridharan's avatar
    WooCommerce Quick Donation 1.3.x Beta Version · 9c660c91
    Varun Sridharan authored
    Redeveloping The Plugin.
    Created Custom Post Type
    Created Custom Taxonomy {Category & Tags}
    Created Short code
    Project Output Like Select , Radio [Single or grouped]
    Price Box Output
    Customization Template
    Added woocommerce_screen_ids
    Removed Admin Notice Handler Class Init
    Added Plugins Settings Page ID To WC Screen ID
    [admin/class-admin-settings.php & admin/class-donation-settings.php]
    Working To Get A Prefect Settings Page
    Changed WC_QD()->donation_id to WC_QD_ID
    Created Class To Process Front End Donation Form
    Created 2 Actions
    Changed $donation_id from dynimic to static
    Added WC_QD_ID defined variable
    Rearranged Few Loading Files
    Added Donation Processing Email
    Added Prefect Settings Framework
    Added Seperate Page For Listing Donations
post.php 3.86 KB
// Prevent loading this file directly
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;

// Make sure "select-advanced" field is loaded
require_once WCQD_METABOX_FIELDS_DIR . 'select-advanced.php';

if ( ! class_exists( 'WCQD_METABOX_Post_Field' ) )
	class WCQD_METABOX_Post_Field extends WCQD_METABOX_Select_Advanced_Field
		 * Enqueue scripts and styles
		 * @return void
		static function admin_enqueue_scripts()

		 * Get field HTML
		 * @param mixed $meta
		 * @param array $field
		 * @return string
		static function html( $meta, $field )
			$field['options'] = self::get_options( $field );
			switch ( $field['field_type'] )
				case 'select':
					return WCQD_METABOX_Select_Field::html( $meta, $field );
				case 'select_advanced':
					return WCQD_METABOX_Select_Advanced_Field::html( $meta, $field );

		 * Normalize parameters for field
		 * @param array $field
		 * @return array
		static function normalize_field( $field )
			$field = wp_parse_args( $field, array(
				'post_type'  => 'post',
				'field_type' => 'select_advanced',
				'parent'     => false,
				'query_args' => array(),
			) );

			 * Set default placeholder
			 * - If multiple post types: show 'Select a post'
			 * - If single post type: show 'Select a %post_type_name%'
			if ( empty( $field['placeholder'] ) )
				$label = __( 'Select a post', 'meta-box' );
				if ( is_string( $field['post_type'] ) && post_type_exists( $field['post_type'] ) )
					$post_type_object = get_post_type_object( $field['post_type'] );
					$label            = sprintf( __( 'Select a %s', 'meta-box' ), $post_type_object->labels->singular_name );
				$field['placeholder'] = $label;

			if ( $field['parent'] )
				$field['multiple']   = false;
				$field['field_name'] = 'parent_id';

			$field['query_args'] = wp_parse_args( $field['query_args'], array(
				'post_type'      => $field['post_type'],
				'post_status'    => 'publish',
				'posts_per_page' => - 1,
			) );

			switch ( $field['field_type'] )
				case 'select':
					return WCQD_METABOX_Select_Field::normalize_field( $field );
				case 'select_advanced':
					return WCQD_METABOX_Select_Advanced_Field::normalize_field( $field );

		 * Get meta value
		 * If field is cloneable, value is saved as a single entry in DB
		 * Otherwise value is saved as multiple entries (for backward compatibility)
		 * @see "save" method for better understanding
		 * @param $post_id
		 * @param $saved
		 * @param $field
		 * @return array
		static function meta( $post_id, $saved, $field )
			if ( isset( $field['parent'] ) && $field['parent'] )
				$post = get_post( $post_id );

				return $post->post_parent;

			return parent::meta( $post_id, $saved, $field );

		 * Get posts
		 * @param array $field
		 * @return array
		static function get_options( $field )
			$options = array();
			$query   = new WP_Query( $field['query_args'] );
			if ( $query->have_posts() )
				while ( $query->have_posts() )
					$post               = $query->next_post();
					$options[$post->ID] = $post->post_title;

			return $options;

		 * Get post link to display in the frontend
		 * @param int   $value Option value, e.g. post ID
		 * @param int   $index Array index
		 * @param array $field Field parameter
		 * @return string
		static function get_option_label( &$value, $index, $field )
			$value = sprintf(
				'<a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a>',
				esc_url( get_permalink( $value ) ),
				the_title_attribute( array(
					'post' => $value,
					'echo' => false,
				) ),
				get_the_title( $value )