Authored by Astroyes

How To Give A Tarot Card Reading: A Beginners Course

Here are some Tarot Card Reading Course for Beginners: Set the Intention: Before starting a Tarot card reading, set an intention for the reading. This can be a question or an area of life that you want to explore. Shuffle and Draw the Cards: Shuffle the Tarot deck and draw the cards for the reading. The number of cards drawn and their positions will depend on the type of reading you are doing. Interpret the Cards: Once the cards are drawn, interpret their meanings based on their symbolism and position. You can refer to books or online resources to help you interpret the cards. Consider the Context: When interpreting the cards, consider the context of the reading, including the question or intention of the reading, the querent's current situation, and any other relevant factors. Use Your Intuition: Trust your intuition when interpreting the cards. Tarot card reading is not just about following a set of rules or meanings but also about tapping into your intuition and connecting with the cards. Deliver the Reading: Once you have interpreted the cards, deliver the reading to the querent. Be mindful of their feelings and emotions and provide guidance and insights that are helpful and respectful. Follow-Up: After the reading, follow up with the querent to see how they are doing and provide any additional guidance or insights that may be helpful. It's important to note that Tarot Card Reading is a complex subject and requires a significant amount of study and practice to master.

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