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chrome-app tcp-client.js: after read, try read again.
web-socket-js Sync with websockify.
web-socket-js-project @ c0855c6c Sync with websockify.
Orbitron700.ttf Add local copy of Orbitron font.
Orbitron700.woff Add local copy of Orbitron font.
base.css Switched from using a list to absolute positions to achieve more
base64.js Refactoring hot blocks to help Chrome optimizing compiler.
black.css Added Copyright information to all modified files.
blue.css Added Copyright information to all modified files.
des.js include/des.js: trim some fat.
display.js Always generate square cursor images in changeCursor (fix portrait mode issue).
input.js Merge pull request #269 from phildriscoll/master
jsunzip.js Refactoring hot blocks to help Chrome optimizing compiler.
keyboard.js Keyboard Handling [2/8]: Core implementation of new keyboard handling
keysym.js Added a new file for the key symbols, using the well recognized names for the constants from X11:
keysymdef.js Keyboard Handling [1/8]: Parse keysymdef.h to produce Unicode -> keysym mappings table
logo.js Add logo, favicon.
playback.js include/playback.js: support binary (non-base64) data files.
rfb.js Merge pull request #282 from samhed/framebufferupdate
ui.js Fix to relfect new page base URL.
util.js Fix onMouseDisable so that clicks outside the canvas are propagated
websock.js Sync with websockify.
webutil.js Adds support for secure attribute on token cookie