1. 12 Jun, 2015 1 commit
    • Solly Ross's avatar
      Enable noVNC to become Browserifiable · 6628b0e9
      Solly Ross authored
      This commit restructures noVNC, splitting it into the core directory
      and the app directory, with the former containing core noVNC parts,
      and the latter containing parts specific to the application.
      Additionally, it introduces a new utility for transforming the noVNC
      javascript files into a browserifiable application.  Module names and
      requirements are listed at the top of each file, and the script
      `use_require.js` may be used to convert them into a form that uses
      `module.exports` and `require`.  If you pass the '-b' flag to
      the script, it will aslo run browserify, and copy over sufficient
      resources to use 'vnc.html'.