1. 18 Jul, 2011 1 commit
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Change default PixelFormat. Fix canvas test. · ac99a1f7
      Joel Martin authored
      Instead of R,G,B (red-shift of 0, green-shift of 8, and blue-shift
      of 16), use the default ordering of B,G,R (red-shift of 16, green-shift of 8, and blue-shift
      of 0) that tightvncserver uses (and that VMWare's VNC server seems to
      require). Also, warn in the console if the server does not default to
      the new format.
      Fix the tests/canvas.html test. This is a general fix with regards to
      the rename/refactor of canvas.js into display.js and not specific to
      the color re-ordering.
  2. 29 Mar, 2011 1 commit
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      IE9 fixes: mouse, doctype. Adobe Flash link. · f8990704
      Joel Martin authored
      Fix mouse button mapping in IE9. All browsers have converged on
      a standard left=0, middle=1, right=2 ... all except IE that is.
      Add html5 doctype to tests.
      In vnc_perf test, use do_test instead of start for function name since
      start is a keyword in IE.
      In error about Flash give a link to Adobe's download page.
  3. 15 Mar, 2011 1 commit
  4. 10 Dec, 2010 1 commit
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Make compatible with jQuery. Slight API change. · e4671910
      Joel Martin authored
      Rename the $() selector to $D() so that it doesn't collide with
      the jQuery name.
      The API change is that the 'target' option for Canvas and RFB objects
      must now be a DOM Canvas element. A string is no longer accepted
      because this requires that a DOM lookup is done and the Canvas and RFB
      should have no UI code in them. Modularity.
  5. 29 Sep, 2010 1 commit
    • Antoine Mercadal's avatar
      Split util into two file: · 8d5d2c82
      Antoine Mercadal authored
       - util.js that contains essential functions
       - webutils.js that contains the GUI utility function.js
      this helps to include noVNC in other project, especially Cappuccino Application
  6. 23 Sep, 2010 1 commit
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Misc cleanup: debug logging, record filename, etc. · 005d9ee9
      Joel Martin authored
      - include/canvas.js: When 'debug' logging, show browser detection
      - test/canvas.html: Only restore the canvas to it's starting state if
        the logging level is not 'debug'.
      - wsproxy.py: Append the session number to the record filename so that
        multiple sessions don't stomp on each other.
  7. 02 Aug, 2010 1 commit
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      New API. Refactor Canvas and RFB objects. · 8db09746
      Joel Martin authored
      New API:
      To use the RFB object, you now must instantiate it (this allows more
      than one instance of it on the same page).
          rfb = new RFB(settings);
      The 'settings' variable is a namespace that contains initial default
      settings. These can also be set and read using 'rfb.set_FOO()' and
      'rfb.get_FOO()' where FOO is the setting name. The current settings
      are (and defaults) are:
          - target: the DOM Canvas element to use ('VNC_canvas').
          - encrypt: whether to encrypt the connection (false)
          - true_color: true_color or palette (true)
          - b64encode: base64 encode the WebSockets data (true)
          - local_cursor: use local cursor rendering (true if supported)
          - connectTimeout: milliseconds to wait for connect (2000)
          - updateState: callback when RFB state changes (none)
          - clipboardReceive: callback when clipboard data received (none)
      The parameters to the updateState callback have also changed. The
      function spec is now updateState(rfb, state, oldstate, msg):
          - rfb: the RFB object that this state change is for.
          - state: the new state
          - oldstate: the previous state
          - msg: a message associate with the state (not always set).
      The clipboardReceive spec is clipboardReceive(rfb, text):
          - rfb: the RFB object that this text is from.
          - text: the clipboard text received.
      - The RFB and Canvas namespaces are now more proper objects. Private
        implementation is no longer exposed and the public API has been made
        explicit. Also, instantiation allows more than one VNC connection
        on the same page (to complete this, DefaultControls will also need
        this same refactoring).
      - Added 'none' logging level.
      - Removed automatic stylesheet selection workaround in util.js and
        move it to defaultcontrols so that it doesn't interfere with
      - Also, some major JSLinting.
      - Fix input, canvas, and cursor tests to work with new model.
  8. 22 Jul, 2010 2 commits
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Turn off firebug-lite in canvas test page. · 1b90deee
      Joel Martin authored
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      API changes. Client cursor and settings menu. · da6dd893
      Joel Martin authored
      The following API changes may affect integrators:
          - Settings have been moved out of the RFB.connect() call. Each
            setting now has it's own setter function: setEncrypt, setBase64,
            setTrueColor, setCursor.
          - Encrypt and cursor settings now default to on.
          - CSS changes:
              - VNC_status_bar for input buttons switched to a element class.
              - VNC_buttons split into VNC_buttons_right and
              - New id styles for VNC_settings_menu and VNC_setting
      Note: the encrypt, true_color and cursor, logging setting can all be
        set on load using query string variables (in addition to host, port
        and password).
      Client cursor (cursor pseudo-encoding) support has been polished and
      The RFB settings are now presented as radio button list items in
      a drop-down "Settings" menu when using the default controls.
      Also, in the settings menu is the ability to select between alternate
      Cookie and stylesheet selection support added to util.js.
  9. 23 Jun, 2010 1 commit
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Various cross-browser fixes. · d93d3e09
      Joel Martin authored
      Now working under Arora 0.5.
      But not Konqueror 4.2.2 (WebSockets never connects).
      IE support with excanvas still pending.
  10. 25 May, 2010 1 commit
  11. 17 May, 2010 2 commits