1. 14 Nov, 2012 1 commit
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Sync with websockify. · 705c54ed
      Joel Martin authored
      Pull c33f0b52e7 from websockify.
      - Fix for python2.4 with URL parsing.
      - Set binaryType earlier in Opera 12.10 to avoid receiving a blob.
      - Re-order client and target processing so that pending client data
        has an opportunity to be sent when the target closes.
  2. 26 Oct, 2012 1 commit
  3. 21 Sep, 2012 1 commit
  4. 17 Sep, 2012 1 commit
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Update websockify/websock.js. · 204675c8
      Joel Martin authored
      This change pulls websockify 6d9deda9c5.
      Most note worthy changes:
      - Pulls in web-socket-js 7677e7a954 which updates to IETF 6455 (from
      - Binary support detection and use in include/websock.js
      - Add ssl and unix target support
      - Add multiple target support via config file/dir.
      - Idle timeout exit
  5. 15 Aug, 2012 1 commit
  6. 14 Aug, 2012 1 commit
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Pull in latest websockify. · 4dd1bb1e
      Joel Martin authored
      Pull in version 376872d99.
      Several changes including:
      - binary/typed array support in websock.js
      - unix socket support
      - multiple target support via config file(s)
      - prefer IPv6 option
  7. 25 Apr, 2012 1 commit
  8. 29 Sep, 2011 1 commit
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      websockify --run-once, --timeout, numpy fallback · 1e508715
      Joel Martin authored
      Pull websockify 724aa3a.
      - Use array module for unmasking HyBi when no numpy module is
      - Detect client close properly when using python 3.
      - Print request URL path is specified.
      - New option --run-once will exit after handling a single WebSocket
        connection (but not ater flash policy or normal web requests).
      - New option --timeout TIME will stop listening for new connections
        after exit after TIME seconds (the master process shuts down).
        Existing WebSocket connections will continue but once all
        connections are closed all processes will terminate.
  9. 10 Aug, 2011 1 commit
  10. 09 Jul, 2011 1 commit
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Pull websockify socket() static method. · 4f8c7465
      Joel Martin authored
      Pull websockify 46e2fbe.
      WebSocketServer.socket() is a static method takes a host and port and
      an optional connect parameter. If connect is not set then it returns
      a socket listening on host and port. If connect is set then
      a connection will be made host and port and the socket returned. This
      has IPv6 support like the addrinfo method it replaces.
      Also, prefer IPv4 resolutions if they are in the list. This can be
      overriden to prefer IPv6 resolutions for the same host using the
      optional prefer_ipv6 parameter.
  11. 07 Jul, 2011 2 commits
  12. 26 Jun, 2011 1 commit
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Pull fix of recording from websockify. · 8c305c60
      Joel Martin authored
      Pull websockify 7f487fdbd.
      The reocrd parameter will turn on recording of all messages sent
      to and from the client. The record parameter is a file prefix. The
      full file-name will be the prefix with an extension '.HANDLER_ID'
      based on the handler ID.
  13. 12 May, 2011 1 commit
  14. 26 Mar, 2011 1 commit
  15. 31 Jan, 2011 1 commit
  16. 13 Jan, 2011 1 commit
  17. 12 Jan, 2011 1 commit
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      wsproxy, wstelnet: wrap command, WS telnet client. · f2538f33
      Joel Martin authored
          Getting the wswrapper.c LD_PRELOAD model working has turned out to
          involve too many dark corners of the glibc/POSIX file descriptor
          space. I realized that 95% of what I want can be accomplished by
          adding a "wrap command" mode to wsproxy.
          The code is still there for now, but consider it experimental at
          best. Minor fix to dup2 and add dup and dup3 logging.
      wsproxy Wrap Command:
          In wsproxy wrap command mode, a command line is specified instead
          of a target address and port. wsproxy then uses a much simpler
          LD_PRELOAD library, rebind.so, to move intercept any bind() system
          calls made by the program. If the bind() call is for the wsproxy
          listen port number then the real bind() system call is issued for
          an alternate (free high) port on loopback/localhost.  wsproxy then
          forwards from the listen address/port to the moved port.
          The --wrap-mode argument takes three options that determine the
          behavior of wsproxy when the wrapped command returns an exit code
          (exit or daemonizing): ignore, exit, respawn.
          For example, this runs vncserver on turns port 5901 into
          a WebSockets port (rebind.so must be built first):
              ./utils/wsproxy.py --wrap-mode=ignore 5901 -- vncserver :1
          The vncserver command backgrounds itself so the wrap mode is set
          to "ignore" so that wsproxy keeps running even after it receives
          an exit code from vncserver.
          To demonstrate the wrap command mode, I added WebSockets telnet
          For example, this runs telnetd (krb5-telnetd) on turns port 2023
          into a WebSockets port (using "respawn" mode since telnetd exits
          after each connection closes):
              sudo ./utils/wsproxy.py --wrap-mode=respawn 2023 -- telnetd -debug 2023
          Then the utils/wstelnet.html page can be used to connect to the
          telnetd server on port 2023. The telnet client includes VT100.js
          (from http://code.google.com/p/sshconsole) which handles the
          terminal emulation and rendering.
          The rebind LD_PRELOAD library is used by wsproxy in wrap command
          mode to intercept bind() system calls and move the port to
          a different port on loopback/localhost. The rebind.so library can
          be built by running make in the utils directory.
          The rebind library can be used separately from wsproxy by setting
          the REBIND_OLD_PORT and REBIND_NEW_PORT environment variables
          prior to executing a command. For example:
              export export REBIND_PORT_OLD="23"
              export export REBIND_PORT_NEW="65023"
              LD_PRELOAD=./rebind.so telnetd -debug 23
          Alternately, the rebind script does the same thing:
              rebind 23 65023 telnetd -debug 23
      Other changes/notes:
      - wsproxy no longer daemonizes by default. Remove -f/--foreground
        option and add -D/--deamon option.
      - When wsproxy is used to wrap a command in "respawn" mode, the
        command will not be respawn more often than 3 times within 10
      - Move getKeysym routine out of Canvas object so that it can be called
  18. 08 Jan, 2011 1 commit
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Refactor and cleanup websocket.py and deps. · 6a883409
      Joel Martin authored
      Moved websocket.py code into a class WebSocketServer. WebSockets
      server implementations will sub-class and define a handler() method
      which is passed the client socket after. Global variable settings have been
      changed to be parameters for WebSocketServer when created.
      Subclass implementations still have to handle queueing and sending but
      the parent class handles everything else (daemonizing, websocket
      handshake, encode/decode, etc). It would be better if the parent class
      could handle queueing and sending. This adds some buffering and
      polling complexity to the parent class but it would be better to do so
      at some point. However, the result is still much cleaner as can be
      seen in wsecho.py.
      Refactored wsproxy.py and wstest.py (formerly ws.py) to use the new
      class. Added wsecho.py as a simple echo server.
      - rename tests/ws.py to utils/wstest.py and add a symlink from
      - rename tests/ws.html to tests/wstest.html to match utils/wstest.py.
      - add utils/wsecho.py
      - add tests/wsecho.html which communicates with wsecho.py and simply
        sends periodic messages and shows what is received.
  19. 07 Jan, 2011 1 commit
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      wsproxy.py: add web serving capability. · 96bc3d30
      Joel Martin authored
      - Added ability to respond to normal web requests. This is basically
        integrating web.py functionality into wsproxy. This is only in the
        python version and it is off by default when calling wsproxy. Turn
        it on with --web DIR where DIR is the web root directory.
      Next task is to clean up wsproxy.py. It's gotten unwieldy and it
      really no longer needs to be parallel to the C version.
  20. 04 Jan, 2011 1 commit
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      wsproxy: warn when no cert. C sock close cleanup. · 58dc1947
      Joel Martin authored
      Warn early about no SSL cert and add clearer warning when a connection
      comes in as SSL but no cert file exists.
      For the C version, cleanup closing of the connection socket. Use
      shutdown for a cleaner cleanup with the client.
  21. 06 Nov, 2010 2 commits
  22. 25 Sep, 2010 1 commit
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Show rect/enc counts, add vnc_perf.html test. · a679a97d
      Joel Martin authored
      - include/rfb.js: Keep track of the number of rects of each encoding
        type and print them out when we close a connection (if 'info'
        logging level).
      - tests/vnc_perf.html: first pass at a noVNC based performance
      - utils/wsproxy.py: Fix the output of the record filename.
  23. 23 Sep, 2010 1 commit
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Misc cleanup: debug logging, record filename, etc. · 005d9ee9
      Joel Martin authored
      - include/canvas.js: When 'debug' logging, show browser detection
      - test/canvas.html: Only restore the canvas to it's starting state if
        the logging level is not 'debug'.
      - wsproxy.py: Append the session number to the record filename so that
        multiple sessions don't stomp on each other.
  24. 11 Sep, 2010 1 commit
  25. 10 Sep, 2010 1 commit
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      wsproxy: multiprocess capable. · a0315ab1
      Joel Martin authored
      Add -m, --multiprocess option which forks a handler for each
      connection allowing multiple connections to the same target using the
      same proxy instance.
      Cleaned up the output of the handler process. Each process' output is
      prefixed with an ordinal value.
      Changed both the C and python versions of the proxy.
  26. 12 Aug, 2010 1 commit
  27. 06 Aug, 2010 1 commit
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Scroll render test and perf speedup. · 4ed717ad
      Joel Martin authored
      Turns out when Windows is running in QEMU and a window scroll happens,
      there are lots of little hextile rects sent. This is slow in noVNC.
      - Some recording/playback improvement.
      - Add test harness to drive playback of recordings.
      - By pulling off the rect header in one chunk we get a 3X speedup in
        Chrome and a 20% speedup in firefox (specifically for the scroll
      - Also, get rid of some noise from creating timers for handle_message.
        Check to make sure there isn't already a pending timer first.
  28. 04 Aug, 2010 1 commit
  29. 03 Aug, 2010 1 commit
  30. 17 Jul, 2010 1 commit
  31. 17 Jun, 2010 3 commits
  32. 16 Jun, 2010 2 commits
  33. 07 Jun, 2010 1 commit
  34. 01 Jun, 2010 1 commit
  35. 26 May, 2010 1 commit
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Change license to LGPL-3 and add some implementation notes. · af6b17ce
      Joel Martin authored
      The purpose of the code is to be incorporated into other web projects
      (whether those are free or not). AGPL prevents combination with other
      HTML and javascript that is under a weaker (or proprietary) license.
      Better would be a lesser AGPL, but there is not GNU standard for that.
      So LGPL-3 meets most of my requirements. If somebody modifies the
      actual client code and conveys it, then they must release the changes
      under LGPL-3 also.
      Add some implementation notes in docs/notes.