1. 24 Jun, 2010 1 commit
  2. 23 Jun, 2010 1 commit
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Various cross-browser fixes. · d93d3e09
      Joel Martin authored
      Now working under Arora 0.5.
      But not Konqueror 4.2.2 (WebSockets never connects).
      IE support with excanvas still pending.
  3. 21 Jun, 2010 2 commits
  4. 20 Jun, 2010 1 commit
  5. 18 Jun, 2010 1 commit
  6. 16 Jun, 2010 1 commit
  7. 15 Jun, 2010 5 commits
  8. 14 Jun, 2010 2 commits
  9. 13 Jun, 2010 1 commit
  10. 10 Jun, 2010 2 commits
  11. 03 Jun, 2010 1 commit
  12. 02 Jun, 2010 1 commit
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Direct example. Move all DOM code default_controls.js. · 91308399
      Joel Martin authored
      Move DOM manipulation into include/default_controls.js and update
      vnc.html to use it.
      Add an example vnc_auto.html which automatically connects using
      parameters from the query string and doesn't use default_controls.js.
      Reorder functions in vnc.js to put external interface functions at the
      top of the RFB namespace.
  13. 01 Jun, 2010 1 commit
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Add colour map support (non-true-color). · d41c33e4
      Joel Martin authored
      In colourMap mode there are 256 colours in a colour palette sent from
      the server via the SetColourMapEntries message. This reduces the
      bandwidth by about 1/4. However, appearance can be somewhat less than
      ideal (pinks instead of gray, etc).
      It also increases client side rendering performance especially on
      firefox. Rendering a full 800x600 update takes about 950ms in
      firefox on my system compared to about 1400ms. Round-trip time for
      a full frame buffer update is even better on firefox (due to
      performance of the flash WebSocket emulator). Reduced from about
      1800ms to 1100ms on firefox (for 800x600 full update).
  14. 28 May, 2010 2 commits
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Test non-base64 (straight UTF-8) encoding. · 507b473a
      Joel Martin authored
      Also add a wsencoding test client/server program to test send a set of
      values between client and server and vice-versa to test encodings.
      Not turned on by default.
      Add support for encode/decode of UTF-8 in the proxy. This leverages
      the browser for decoding the WebSocket stream directly instead of
      doing base64 decode in the browser itself.
      Unfortunately, in Chrome this has negligible impact (round-trip time
      is increased slightly likely due to extra python processing).
      In firefox, due to the use of the flash WebSocket emulator the
      performance is even worse. This is because it's really annoying to get
      the flash WebSocket emulator to properly decode a UTF-8 bytestream.
      The problem is that the readUTFBytes and readMultiByte methods of an
      ActionScript ByteArray don't treat 0x00 correctly. They return
      a string that ends at the first 0x00, but the index into the ByteArray
      has been advanced by however much you requested.
      This is very silly for two reasons: ActionScript (and Javascript)
      strings can contain 0x00 (they are not null terminated) and second,
      UTF-8 can legitimately contain 0x00 values. Since UTF-8 is not
      constant width there isn't a great way to determine if those methods
      in fact did encounter a 0x00 or they just read the number of bytes
      Doing manual decoding using readUTFByte one character at a time slows
      things down quite a bit. And to top it all off, those methods don't
      support the alternate UTF-8 encoding for 0x00 ("\xc0\x80"). They also
      just treat that encoding as the end of string too.
      So to get around this, for now I'm encoding zero as 256 ("\xc4\x80")
      and then doing mod 256 in Javascript. Still doesn't result in much
      benefit in firefox.
      But, it's an interesting approach that could use some more exploration
      so I'm leaving in the code in both places.
    • Joel Martin's avatar
  15. 26 May, 2010 1 commit
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Change license to LGPL-3 and add some implementation notes. · af6b17ce
      Joel Martin authored
      The purpose of the code is to be incorporated into other web projects
      (whether those are free or not). AGPL prevents combination with other
      HTML and javascript that is under a weaker (or proprietary) license.
      Better would be a lesser AGPL, but there is not GNU standard for that.
      So LGPL-3 meets most of my requirements. If somebody modifies the
      actual client code and conveys it, then they must release the changes
      under LGPL-3 also.
      Add some implementation notes in docs/notes.
  16. 25 May, 2010 1 commit
  17. 20 May, 2010 1 commit
  18. 17 May, 2010 4 commits
  19. 15 May, 2010 2 commits
  20. 11 May, 2010 3 commits
  21. 05 May, 2010 1 commit
  22. 02 May, 2010 1 commit
  23. 30 Apr, 2010 2 commits
  24. 18 Apr, 2010 2 commits
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Status/error refactor. Fix firefox bugs. · 8759ea6f
      Joel Martin authored
      - All state/status updates go through updateState routine which
        updates the status line also.
      - Old firefox (and opera) don't support canvas createImageData, so use
        getImageData as replacement.
      - Add console.warn and console.error stubs so that firefox without
        firebug doesn't crap out.
      - If no WebSockets then error if no flash or if URL is location (flash
        will refuse to load the object for security reasons).
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Remove mootools-more references. · 07f6ca75
      Joel Martin authored