1. 11 Sep, 2010 1 commit
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      gimite/web-socket-js issue #35: async onclose. · 071f2818
      Joel Martin authored
      Filed this bug about this issue:
      To work around the flash "recursive call" problem, WebSocket.as has
      the onclose event disabled in the close() call and the javascript half
      of the close() call does the onclose() call instead. This is fine, but
      it needs to be asynchronous to act more like what happens with
      a normal WebSockets object. The current behavior is that the onclose()
      method is called inline (synchronously) when the close() is called and
      this inconsistency make state handling more difficult.
  2. 10 Sep, 2010 3 commits
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      proxy: do handshake in forked process too. · edc47252
      Joel Martin authored
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      wsproxy: multiprocess capable. · a0315ab1
      Joel Martin authored
      Add -m, --multiprocess option which forks a handler for each
      connection allowing multiple connections to the same target using the
      same proxy instance.
      Cleaned up the output of the handler process. Each process' output is
      prefixed with an ordinal value.
      Changed both the C and python versions of the proxy.
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Remove record option from C wsproxy. · 465faf19
      Joel Martin authored
      I've decided that debug/develop/extra features will just be in the
      python version of the proxy. The C version (and other versions) will
      just have the core functionality (unless someone wants to support it).
  3. 08 Sep, 2010 5 commits
  4. 07 Sep, 2010 2 commits
  5. 01 Sep, 2010 3 commits
  6. 31 Aug, 2010 2 commits
  7. 30 Aug, 2010 3 commits
  8. 27 Aug, 2010 3 commits
  9. 26 Aug, 2010 2 commits
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Test both builtin and base64.js functions. · 4ff85f49
      Joel Martin authored
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Indexed receive queue. Up to 2X speedup in Chrome. · 67b4e987
      Joel Martin authored
      Generally, most servers send hextile updates as single updates
      containing many rects. Some servers send hextile updates as many small
      framebuffer updates with a few rects each (such as QEMU). This latter
      cases revealed that shifting off the beginning of the receive queue
      (which happens after each hextile FBU) performs poorly.
      This change switches to using an indexed receive queue (instead of
      actually shifting off the array). When the receive queue has grown to
      a certain size, then it is compacted all at once.
      The code is not as clean, but this change results in more than 2X
      speedup under Chrome for the pessimal case and 10-20% in firefox.
  10. 12 Aug, 2010 1 commit
  11. 11 Aug, 2010 1 commit
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Treat RFB 3.6 as 3.3. · 1a5dd77d
      Joel Martin authored
      Apparently there are versions of UltraVNC that report version 3.6.
      This is not a legal version according to the spec, but we'll just
      force version 3.3 if we receive it. Thanks to Larry Rowe for the info.
  12. 06 Aug, 2010 1 commit
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Scroll render test and perf speedup. · 4ed717ad
      Joel Martin authored
      Turns out when Windows is running in QEMU and a window scroll happens,
      there are lots of little hextile rects sent. This is slow in noVNC.
      - Some recording/playback improvement.
      - Add test harness to drive playback of recordings.
      - By pulling off the rect header in one chunk we get a 3X speedup in
        Chrome and a 20% speedup in firefox (specifically for the scroll
      - Also, get rid of some noise from creating timers for handle_message.
        Check to make sure there isn't already a pending timer first.
  13. 04 Aug, 2010 6 commits
  14. 03 Aug, 2010 2 commits
  15. 02 Aug, 2010 2 commits
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      New API. Refactor Canvas and RFB objects. · 8db09746
      Joel Martin authored
      New API:
      To use the RFB object, you now must instantiate it (this allows more
      than one instance of it on the same page).
          rfb = new RFB(settings);
      The 'settings' variable is a namespace that contains initial default
      settings. These can also be set and read using 'rfb.set_FOO()' and
      'rfb.get_FOO()' where FOO is the setting name. The current settings
      are (and defaults) are:
          - target: the DOM Canvas element to use ('VNC_canvas').
          - encrypt: whether to encrypt the connection (false)
          - true_color: true_color or palette (true)
          - b64encode: base64 encode the WebSockets data (true)
          - local_cursor: use local cursor rendering (true if supported)
          - connectTimeout: milliseconds to wait for connect (2000)
          - updateState: callback when RFB state changes (none)
          - clipboardReceive: callback when clipboard data received (none)
      The parameters to the updateState callback have also changed. The
      function spec is now updateState(rfb, state, oldstate, msg):
          - rfb: the RFB object that this state change is for.
          - state: the new state
          - oldstate: the previous state
          - msg: a message associate with the state (not always set).
      The clipboardReceive spec is clipboardReceive(rfb, text):
          - rfb: the RFB object that this text is from.
          - text: the clipboard text received.
      - The RFB and Canvas namespaces are now more proper objects. Private
        implementation is no longer exposed and the public API has been made
        explicit. Also, instantiation allows more than one VNC connection
        on the same page (to complete this, DefaultControls will also need
        this same refactoring).
      - Added 'none' logging level.
      - Removed automatic stylesheet selection workaround in util.js and
        move it to defaultcontrols so that it doesn't interfere with
      - Also, some major JSLinting.
      - Fix input, canvas, and cursor tests to work with new model.
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Catch exceptions in cursor detection. · 8171f4d8
      Joel Martin authored
      If cursor Data URI scheme detection threw an exception, it would cause
      canvas initialization to fail. cursor detection exceptions should just
      disable local cursor change support, not cause canvas init to fail.
  16. 30 Jul, 2010 1 commit
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Preliminary scaling code (deactivated). · 125d8bbb
      Joel Martin authored
      Uses the CSS "scale()" operation. The main problem is that the DOM
      container is not rescaled, only the size of the displayed content
      within it so there will need to be some sort of mechanism to handle
      this better so other elements reflow to the new size. Or it might just
      not work and be removed later. The zoom property seems to do the right
      behavior, but it's not widely supported. Worth exploring though.
  17. 29 Jul, 2010 2 commits
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Give other events chance to fire. · 29ad96c5
      Joel Martin authored
      After each complete framebufferUpdate, set a short timer to continue
      processing the receive queue. This gives other events a chance to
      fire. Especially important when noVNC is integrated into another
    • Joel Martin's avatar
      Update TODO. · a867de16
      Joel Martin authored