Commit eb539c7d authored by Joel Martin's avatar Joel Martin

demo1.html: remove broken CSS include. Fix shutdown.

Fixes issue:
parent d619f372
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
<title>noVNC Demo</title>
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="noVNC/images/favicon.ico" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="noVNC/include/plain.css">
......@@ -14,6 +13,9 @@
noVNC's decoding and rendering logic, but stubs out the
keyboard/mouse input and the WebSockets network
<strong>The red and blue channels are reversed because
this capture was taken prior to a change in the way
noVNC initializes with the server.</strong>
......@@ -84,10 +86,12 @@
iter_time = parseInt(total_time / iterations, 10);
Util.Info(iterations + " iterations took " + total_time + "ms, " +
iter_time + "ms per iteration");
rfb.get_canvas().stop(); // Shut-off event interception
// Shut-off event interception
$D('startButton').disabled = false;
$D('startButton').value = "Start";
$D('VNC_status').innerHTML = "Done";
window.onload = function() {
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