Commit c0c20581 authored by Joel Martin's avatar Joel Martin

Merge tight/tightPNG routine.

Mostly duplicate code so merge it and wrap with closures that pass in
the isTightPNG parameter.

Still detect and error if copy/filter when tightPNG.
parent f2a495c9
......@@ -1292,7 +1292,7 @@ getTightCLength = function (arr) {
return [header, data];
encHandlers.TIGHT = function display_tight() {
function display_tight(isTightPNG) {
Util.Debug(">> display_tight");
if (fb_depth === 1) {
......@@ -1452,14 +1452,20 @@ encHandlers.TIGHT = function display_tight() {
if (ctl === 0x08) cmode = "fill";
else if (ctl === 0x09) cmode = "jpeg";
else if (ctl === 0x0A) cmode = "png";
else if (ctl & 0x04) cmode = "filter";
else if (ctl < 0x04) cmode = "copy";
else throw("Illegal tight compression received, ctl: " + ctl);
if (isTightPNG && (cmode === "filter" || cmode === "copy")) {
throw("filter/copy received in tightPNG mode");
switch (cmode) {
// fill uses fb_depth because TPIXELs drop the padding byte
case "fill": FBU.bytes += fb_depth; break; // TPIXEL
case "jpeg": FBU.bytes += 3; break; // max clength
case "png": FBU.bytes += 3; break; // max clength
case "filter": FBU.bytes += 2; break; // filter id + num colors if palette
case "copy": break;
......@@ -1483,6 +1489,7 @@ encHandlers.TIGHT = function display_tight() {
'height': FBU.height,
'color': [color[2], color[1], color[0]] });
case "png":
case "jpeg":
clength = getTightCLength(ws.rQslice(1, 4));
FBU.bytes = 1 + clength[0] + clength[1]; // ctl + clength size + jpeg-data
......@@ -1523,78 +1530,7 @@ encHandlers.TIGHT = function display_tight() {
//Util.Debug(" ending ws.rQslice(0,20): " + ws.rQslice(0,20) + " (" + ws.rQlen() + ")");
//Util.Debug("<< display_tight_png");
return true;
encHandlers.TIGHT_PNG = function display_tight_png() {
//Util.Debug(">> display_tight_png");
var ctl, cmode, clength, color, img;
//Util.Debug(" FBU.rects: " + FBU.rects);
//Util.Debug(" starting ws.rQslice(0,20): " + ws.rQslice(0,20) + " (" + ws.rQlen() + ")");
FBU.bytes = 1; // compression-control byte
if (ws.rQwait("TIGHT compression-control", FBU.bytes)) { return false; }
ctl = ws.rQpeek8();
switch (ctl >> 4) {
case 0x08: cmode = "fill"; break;
case 0x09: cmode = "jpeg"; break;
case 0x0A: cmode = "png"; break;
default: throw("Illegal basic compression received, ctl: " + ctl);
switch (cmode) {
// fill uses fb_depth because TPIXELs drop the padding byte
case "fill": FBU.bytes += fb_depth; break; // TPIXEL
case "jpeg": FBU.bytes += 3; break; // max clength
case "png": FBU.bytes += 3; break; // max clength
if (ws.rQwait("TIGHT " + cmode, FBU.bytes)) { return false; }
//Util.Debug(" ws.rQslice(0,20): " + ws.rQslice(0,20) + " (" + ws.rQlen() + ")");
//Util.Debug(" cmode: " + cmode);
// Determine FBU.bytes
switch (cmode) {
case "fill":
ws.rQshift8(); // shift off ctl
color = ws.rQshiftBytes(fb_depth);
'type': 'fill',
'img': {'complete': true},
'x': FBU.x,
'y': FBU.y,
'width': FBU.width,
'height': FBU.height,
'color': color});
case "jpeg":
case "png":
clength = getTightCLength(ws.rQslice(1, 4));
FBU.bytes = 1 + clength[0] + clength[1]; // ctl + clength size + jpeg-data
if (ws.rQwait("TIGHT " + cmode, FBU.bytes)) { return false; }
// We have everything, render it
//Util.Debug(" jpeg/png, ws.rQlen(): " + ws.rQlen() + ", clength[0]: " +
// clength[0] + ", clength[1]: " + clength[1]);
ws.rQshiftBytes(1 + clength[0]); // shift off ctl + compact length
img = new Image();
//img.onload = scan_tight_imgQ;
'type': 'img',
'img': img,
'x': FBU.x,
'y': FBU.y});
img.src = "data:image/" + cmode +
img = null;
FBU.bytes = 0;
FBU.rects -= 1;
//Util.Debug(" ending ws.rQslice(0,20): " + ws.rQslice(0,20) + " (" + ws.rQlen() + ")");
//Util.Debug("<< display_tight_png");
return true;
extract_data_uri = function(arr) {
//var i, stra = [];
......@@ -1624,6 +1560,9 @@ scan_tight_imgQ = function() {
encHandlers.TIGHT = function () { return display_tight(false); };
encHandlers.TIGHT_PNG = function () { return display_tight(true); };
encHandlers.last_rect = function last_rect() {
Util.Debug(">> set_desktopsize");
FBU.rects = 0;
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