Commit 9f4af5a7 authored by Joel Martin's avatar Joel Martin

Hextile working. Improve latency by coallescing sends.

- Hextile has an undocumented weirdness where RAW frames are often
  followed by a 0 byte that should be ignored.

- Coallesce client messages that are one after another. Without
  this the server seems to often ignore frames that are send right
  after another frame has been sent. This fixes a reconnect issue
  where setEncodings seems to be ignored. Also results in a huge
  performance increase after key strokes (by adding a update request
  to the key event message) because the server always sends an update
  instead of sometimes waiting for the next poll to be sent.
parent 2bcb2d5b
......@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ var FBU = {
height : 0,
encoding : 0,
subencoding : -1,
background: null,
arr : null};
......@@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ ws : null, // Web Socket object
version : "RFB 003.003\n",
state : 'ProtocolVersion',
shared : 1,
poll_rate : 3000,
poll_rate : 1413,
host : '',
port : 5900,
......@@ -194,10 +195,14 @@ init_msg: function (data) {
Canvas.init('vnc', RFB.fb_width, RFB.fb_height, RFB.keyDown, RFB.keyUp);
var init = [];
init = init.concat(RFB.pixelFormat());
init = init.concat(RFB.encodings());
init = init.concat(RFB.fbUpdateRequest(0, 0, 0, RFB.fb_width, RFB.fb_height));
RFB.fbUpdateRequest(0, 0, 0, RFB.fb_width, RFB.fb_height);
/* Start polling */
RFB.state = 'normal';
......@@ -250,18 +255,24 @@ display_rre: function () {
display_hextile: function() {
console.log(">> display_hextile, tiles: " + FBU.tiles + ", arr.length: " + FBU.arr.length + ", bytes: " + FBU.bytes + ", subencoding: " + FBU.subencoding);
var subencoding, subrects = 0;
//console.log(">> display_hextile, tiles: " + FBU.tiles + ", arr.length: " + FBU.arr.length + ", bytes: " + FBU.bytes);
var subencoding, subrects, cur_tile, tile_x, x, w, tile_y, y, h;
/* FBU.bytes comes in as 0, FBU.arr.length at least 2 */
while ((FBU.tiles > 0) && (FBU.arr.length >= FBU.bytes)) {
var cur_tile = FBU.total_tiles - FBU.tiles;
var tile_x = cur_tile % FBU.tiles_x;
var tile_y = Math.floor(cur_tile / FBU.tiles_x);
cur_tile = FBU.total_tiles - FBU.tiles;
tile_x = cur_tile % FBU.tiles_x;
tile_y = Math.floor(cur_tile / FBU.tiles_x);
x = FBU.x + tile_x * 16;
y = FBU.y + tile_y * 16;
w = Math.min(16, (FBU.x + FBU.width) - x)
h = Math.min(16, (FBU.y + FBU.height) - y)
subrects = 0;
if (FBU.subencoding == -1) {
/* We enter with at least 2 bytes */
var subencoding = FBU.arr[0]; // Peek
FBU.bytes += 1; // Since we aren't shifting it off
subencoding = FBU.arr[0]; // Peek
//console.log(" display_hextile, subencoding: " + subencoding);
FBU.bytes++; // Since we aren't shifting it off
//console.log(" subencoding: " + subencoding);
if (subencoding > 30) { // Raw
console.log("Illegal subencoding " + subencoding);
......@@ -271,14 +282,13 @@ display_hextile: function() {
/* Figure out how much we are expecting */
if (subencoding & 0x01) { // Raw
var twidth = 16, theight = 16;
if ((FBU.width % 16) && (tile_x + 1 == FBU.tiles_x)) {
twidth = FBU.width % 16;
if ((FBU.height % 16) && (tile_y + 1 == FBU.tiles_y)) {
theight = FBU.height % 16;
//console.log(" Raw subencoding");
FBU.bytes = w * h * RFB.fb_Bpp;
if (FBU.arr[FBU.bytes] == 0) {
/* Weird: ignore blanks after RAW */
//console.log(" Ignoring blank after RAW");
FBU.bytes ++;
FBU.bytes = twidth * theight * RFB.fb_Bpp;
} else {
if (subencoding & 0x02) { // Background
FBU.bytes += RFB.fb_Bpp;
......@@ -287,9 +297,14 @@ display_hextile: function() {
FBU.bytes += RFB.fb_Bpp;
if (subencoding & 0x08) { // AnySubrects
subrects = FBU.arr[FBU.bytes]; // Peek
FBU.bytes += 1; // Since we aren't shifting it off
if (subencoding & 0x016) { // SubrectsColoured
FBU.bytes++; // Since we aren't shifting it off
if (FBU.arr.length < FBU.bytes) {
/* Wait for subrects byte */
//console.log(" waiting for subrects byte");
subrects = FBU.arr[FBU.bytes-1]; // Peek
if (subencoding & 0x10) { // SubrectsColoured
FBU.bytes += subrects * (RFB.fb_Bpp + 2);
} else {
FBU.bytes += subrects * 2;
......@@ -298,9 +313,10 @@ display_hextile: function() {
console.log(" subencoding: " + subencoding + " tile " + cur_tile + "/" + (FBU.total_tiles - 1) + ", subrects: " + subrects + ", tile_x/y: " + tile_x + "," + tile_y + " , arr.length: " + FBU.arr.length + ", bytes: " + FBU.bytes);
//console.log(" tile:" + cur_tile + "/" + (FBU.total_tiles - 1) + ", subencoding:" + subencoding + ", subrects:" + subrects + ", tile:" + tile_x + "," + tile_y + " [" + x + "," + y + "], arr.length:" + FBU.arr.length + ", bytes:" + FBU.bytes);
//console.log(" arr[0..30]: " + FBU.arr.slice(0,30));
if (FBU.arr.length < FBU.bytes) {
console.log(" not enough");
//console.log(" waiting for " + (FBU.bytes - FBU.arr.length) + "bytes");
......@@ -308,38 +324,37 @@ display_hextile: function() {
/* We know the encoding and have a whole tile */
FBU.subencoding = FBU.arr.shift();
if (FBU.subencoding == 0) {
Canvas.rfbRect(FBU.x + tile_x * 16, FBU.y + tile_y * 16, 16, 16, FBU.background);
Canvas.rfbRect(x, y, w, h, FBU.background);
} else if (FBU.subencoding & 0x01) { // Raw
console.log(" Raw subencoding");
Canvas.rfbImage(FBU.x, FBU.y, FBU.width, FBU.height, FBU.arr);
FBU.arr.splice(0, FBU.width * FBU.height * RFB.fb_Bpp);
Canvas.rfbImage(x, y, w, h, FBU.arr);
FBU.arr.splice(0, FBU.bytes - 1);
} else {
if (FBU.subencoding & 0x02) { // Background
FBU.background = FBU.arr.shiftBytes(RFB.fb_Bpp);
console.log(" background: " + FBU.background);
//console.log(" background: " + FBU.background);
if (FBU.subencoding & 0x04) { // Foreground
FBU.foreground = FBU.arr.shiftBytes(RFB.fb_Bpp);
console.log(" foreground: " + FBU.foreground);
//console.log(" foreground: " + FBU.foreground);
Canvas.rfbRect(FBU.x + tile_x * 16, FBU.y + tile_y * 16, 16, 16, FBU.background);
Canvas.rfbRect(x, y, w, h, FBU.background);
if (FBU.subencoding & 0x08) { // AnySubrects
subrects = FBU.arr.shift8();
for (var i = 0; i < subrects; i ++) {
if (FBU.subencoding & 0x016) { // SubrectsColoured
if (FBU.subencoding & 0x10) { // SubrectsColoured
var color = FBU.arr.shiftBytes(RFB.fb_Bpp);
} else {
var color = FBU.foreground;
var xy = FBU.arr.shift8();
var x = tile_x * 16 + (xy & 0xf0) >> 4;
var y = tile_y * 16 + (xy & 0x0f);
var sx = x + (xy >> 4);
var sy = y + (xy & 0x0f);
var wh = FBU.arr.shift8();
var w = ((wh & 0xf0) >> 4) + 1;
var h = ((wh & 0x0f) ) + 1;
var sw = (wh >> 4) + 1;
var sh = (wh & 0x0f) + 1;
Canvas.rfbRect(FBU.x + x, FBU.y + y, w, h, color);
Canvas.rfbRect(sx, sy, sw, sh, color);
......@@ -356,8 +371,7 @@ display_hextile: function() {
FBU.rects --;
console.log("<< display_hextile");
//console.log("<< display_hextile");
......@@ -458,9 +472,10 @@ normal_msg: function (data) {
* Client message routines
setPixelFormat: function () {
pixelFormat: function () {
console.log(">> setPixelFormat");
var arr = [0]; // msg-type
var arr;
arr = [0]; // msg-type
arr.push8(0); // padding
arr.push8(0); // padding
arr.push8(0); // padding
......@@ -480,16 +495,17 @@ setPixelFormat: function () {
arr.push8(0); // padding
arr.push8(0); // padding
arr.push8(0); // padding
console.log("<< setPixelFormat");
return arr;
fixColourMapEntries: function () {
setEncodings: function () {
encodings: function () {
console.log(">> setEncodings");
var arr = [2]; // msg-type
var arr;
arr = [2]; // msg-type
arr.push8(0); // padding
//arr.push16(3); // encoding count
......@@ -499,31 +515,33 @@ setEncodings: function () {
arr.push32(2); // RRE encoding
arr.push32(1); // copy-rect encoding
arr.push32(0); // raw encoding
console.log("<< setEncodings");
return arr;
fbUpdateRequest: function (incremental, x, y, xw, yw) {
//console.log(">> fbUpdateRequest");
var arr = [3]; // msg-type
var arr;
arr = [3]; // msg-type
//console.log("<< fbUpdateRequest");
return arr;
keyEvent: function (keysym, down) {
console.log(">> keyEvent, keysym: " + keysym + ", down: " + down);
var arr = [4]; // msg-type
var arr;
arr = [4]; // msg-type
//console.log("keyEvent array: " + arr);
arr = arr.concat(RFB.fbUpdateRequest(1, 0, 0, RFB.fb_width, RFB.fb_height));
RFB.fbUpdateRequest(1, 0, 0, RFB.fb_width, RFB.fb_height);
//console.log("<< keyEvent");
......@@ -540,19 +558,20 @@ clientCutText: function () {
send_string: function (str) {
//console.log(">> send_string: " + str);
var arr = str.split('').map(function (chr) {
return chr.charCodeAt(0) } );
function (chr) { return chr.charCodeAt(0) } ) );
send_array: function (arr) {
//console.log(">> send_array: " + arr);
//console.log(">> send_array: " + Base64.encode_array(arr));;
/* Mirror bits of each character and return as array */
passwdTwiddle: function (passwd) {
var arr = [];
var arr;
arr = [];
for (var i=0; i< passwd.length; i++) {
var c = passwd.charCodeAt(i);
arr.push( ((c & 0x80) >> 7) +
......@@ -569,7 +588,7 @@ passwdTwiddle: function (passwd) {
poller: function () {
if (RFB.state == 'normal') {
RFB.fbUpdateRequest(1, 0, 0, RFB.fb_width, RFB.fb_height);
RFB.send_array(RFB.fbUpdateRequest(1, 0, 0, RFB.fb_width, RFB.fb_height));
......@@ -625,7 +644,6 @@ init_ws: function () {
RFB.state = "closed";
console.log("<< onclose");
console.log("<< init_ws");
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