Commit 85e89916 authored by Solly Ross's avatar Solly Ross

Support 'requires' Line in Test Runner

If the files passed to the '-t' option are all '.js' files (or
the 'run all tests' option is used) and the '-i' option is not
passed, all tests will be search for the string
'require local modules: '.  Only the first instance of this string
will be used.  Following the colon should be a list of either local
modules (i.e. files in the '../include/' folder relative to the
test runner's directory, without the '.js' extension) or paths
to other Javascript files.  The list of modules and/or files should
be comma-separated.  These files will then be included in the generated
HTML file for the appropriate tests as if the '-i' option had been used.
parent d823e895
......@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ program
.option('-c, --color', 'Explicitly enable color (default is to use color when not outputting to a pipe)')
.option('-i, --auto-inject <includefiles>', 'Treat the test list as a set of mocha JS files, and automatically generate HTML files with which to test test. \'includefiles\' should be a comma-separated list of paths to javascript files to include in each of the generated HTML files', make_list, null)
.option('-p, --provider <name>', 'Use the given provider (defaults to "casper"). Currently, may be "casper" or "zombie"', 'casper')
.option('-g, --generate-html', 'Instead of running the tests, just return the path to the generated HTML file, then wait for user interaction to exit (should be used with -i)')
.option('-o, --output-html', 'Instead of running the tests, just output the generated HTML source to STDOUT (should be used with -i)')
.option('-g, --generate-html', 'Instead of running the tests, just return the path to the generated HTML file, then wait for user interaction to exit (should be used with .js tests)')
.option('-o, --output-html', 'Instead of running the tests, just output the generated HTML source to STDOUT (should be used with .js tests)')
.option('-d, --debug', 'Show debug output (the "console" event) from the provider')
......@@ -27,6 +27,29 @@ if (program.tests.length === 0) {
var file_paths = [];
var all_js = program.tests.reduce(function(a,e) { return a && e.slice(-3) == '.js'; }, true);
if (all_js && !program.autoInject) {
var all_modules = {};
// uses the first instance of the string 'requires local modules: '
program.tests.forEach(function (testname) {
var full_path = path.resolve(process.cwd(), testname);
var content = fs.readFileSync(full_path).toString();
var ind = content.indexOf('requires local modules: ');
if (ind > -1) {
ind += 'requires local modules: '.length;
var eol = content.indexOf('\n', ind);
var modules = content.slice(ind, eol).split(/,\s*/);
modules.forEach(function (mod) {
all_modules[path.resolve(__dirname, '../include/', mod)+'.js'] = 1;
program.autoInject = Object.keys(all_modules);
if (program.autoInject) {
var temp = require('temp');
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