Commit 7c76fd32 authored by Joel Martin's avatar Joel Martin

Merge pull request #308 from samhed/autoconnect

Autoconnect option as URL query
parents 4c0b680a f8ddfc73
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ load: function (callback) {
// Render default UI and initialize settings menu
start: function(callback) {
var html = '', i, sheet, sheets, llevels, port;
var html = '', i, sheet, sheets, llevels, port, autoconnect;
// Stylesheet selection dropdown
sheet = WebUtil.selectStylesheet();
......@@ -86,6 +86,15 @@ start: function(callback) {
'onUpdateState': UI.updateState,
'onClipboard': UI.clipReceive,
'onDesktopName': UI.updateDocumentTitle});
autoconnect = WebUtil.getQueryVar('autoconnect', false);
if (autoconnect === 'true' || autoconnect == '1') {
autoconnect = true;
} else {
autoconnect = false;
// Unfocus clipboard when over the VNC area
......@@ -135,8 +144,10 @@ start: function(callback) {
// Open the description dialog
$D('noVNC_description').style.display = "block";
} else {
// Open the connect panel on first load
// Show the connect panel on first load unless autoconnecting
if (autoconnect === UI.connSettingsOpen) {
// Add mouse event click/focus/blur event handlers to the UI
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