Commit 2ec29db7 authored by Solly Ross's avatar Solly Ross

Remove 'debian' directory

This commit removes the old debian packaging information, which is
out of date.  People who wish to create Debain packages for noVNC
are better off using the package information from the actual Debian
or Ubuntu packages.

Closes #453
parent fe8a4dc9
novnc (0.4) maverick; urgency=low
* Clarify permissive licenses of HTML, CSS, images.
* Use render queue and requestAnimationFrame
* UltraVNC repeater support
-- Joel Martin <> Fri, 14 Sep 2012 05:00:00 -0600
novnc (0.3) maverick; urgency=low
* add tight encoding support
* release pressed key when focus lost (fixes locked Alt key)
* Support Apple Remote Desktop
* Add nova/openstack proxy wrapper
* Better connection close handling/reporting
-- Joel Martin <> Fri, 11 May 2012 03:00:00 -0600
novnc (0.2) maverick; urgency=low
* Mobile device support with viewport clipping
* Much better styling that also works on mobile devices well
* Update websockify to support latest WebSocket protocol HyBi 13
(i.e. support IETF 6455)
* Better support in websockify for python 2.4 through 3.2
* Support VMWare ESX and Intel AMT KVM
* View only mode
-- Joel Martin <> Tue, 05 Jul 2011 01:00:00 -0600
novnc (0.1) maverick; urgency=low
* First upstream release
-- Joel Martin <> Tue, 05 Jul 2011 01:00:00 -0600
Source: novnc
Section: web
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Joel Martin <>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7.0.0~)
Standards-Version: 3.8.3
Package: novnc
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, python (>= 2.4), websockify
Description: HTML5 VNC client
VNC client using HTML5 (WebSockets, Canvas) with encryption (wss://) support.
Upstream Project:
--------------------- Original LICENSE.txt ---------------------------
noVNC is Copyright (C) 2012 Joel Martin <>
Some portions of noVNC are copyright to their individual authors.
Please refer to the individual source files and/or to the noVNC commit
noVNC is licensed under the MPL 2.0 (Mozilla Public License) with the
following exceptions:
*.html, *.css : 2-Clause BSD license
include/Orbitron* : SIL Open Font License 1.1
(Copyright 2009 Matt McInerney)
images/ : Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
include/base64.js : MPL 2.0
include/des.js : Various BSD style licenses
include/jsunzip.js : zlib/libpng license
include/web-socket-js/ : New BSD license (3-clause). Source code at
: Apache 2.0 license
The MPL-2.0 license text may be found here:
vnc.html /usr/share/novnc
vnc_auto.html /usr/share/novnc /usr/share/doc/novnc
LICENSE.txt /usr/share/doc/novnc
utils/Makefile /usr/share/novnc/utils
utils/ /usr/share/novnc/utils
utils/ /usr/share/novnc/utils
utils/websockify /usr/share/novnc/utils
utils/rebind.c /usr/share/novnc/utils
utils/ /usr/share/novnc/utils
images /usr/share/novnc
images/favicon.ico /usr/share/novnc
include/base64.js /usr/share/novnc/include
include/des.js /usr/share/novnc/include
include/display.js /usr/share/novnc/include
include/keysymdef.js /usr/share/novnc/include
include/keysym.js /usr/share/novnc/include
include/keyboard.js /usr/share/novnc/include
include/input.js /usr/share/novnc/include
include/logo.js /usr/share/novnc/include
include/base.css /usr/share/novnc/include
include/blue.css /usr/share/novnc/include
include/black.css /usr/share/novnc/include
include/playback.js /usr/share/novnc/include
include/rfb.js /usr/share/novnc/include
include/ui.js /usr/share/novnc/include
include/util.js /usr/share/novnc/include
include/websock.js /usr/share/novnc/include
include/webutil.js /usr/share/novnc/include
include/jsunzip.js /usr/share/novnc/include
include/web-socket-js/* /usr/share/novnc/include/web-socket-js
#!/usr/bin/make -f
# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
#export DH_VERBOSE=1
make -C utils clean
dh clean
make -C utils
dh ${@}
noVNC packaging steps for Debian/Ubuntu:
- Update the noVNC version in docs/VERSION and add a new entry for the
version in debian/changelog
- Rename the novnc source directory to match the form "novnc-VERSION".
- In the novnc source directory, run the packaging command:
debuild -I -uc -us
- The -I option ignores the .git directory when generating the
source tarball.
- the -uc and -us may be omitted in order to create a signed
- Alternatively, use pbuilder instead of debuild in order to build
for other distributions and to guarantee a sanitized package.
- Verify the package and then commit the changes to docs/VERSION and
- Upload the new package file(s).
- Update and commit docs/VERSION and debian/changelog
- Update and commit docs/VERSION
- Create version tag and tarball from tag
git tag v${WVER}
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