Commit 23078406 authored by Jesper Dam's avatar Jesper Dam

Better browser OS detection.

Apparently Firefox on Linux changed the value of navigator.appVersion,
causing our OS detection (used to determine how to interpret different
modifier keys) to fail.

Use navigator.platform instead, which should be more stable.
parent c3f60524
......@@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ var kbdUtil = (function() {
function isMac() {
return navigator && !!(/macintosh/i).exec(navigator.appVersion);
return navigator && !!(/mac/i).exec(navigator.platform);
function isWindows() {
return navigator && !!(/windows/i).exec(navigator.appVersion);
return navigator && !!(/win/i).exec(navigator.platform);
function isLinux() {
return navigator && !!(/linux/i).exec(navigator.appVersion);
return navigator && !!(/linux/i).exec(navigator.platform);
// Return true if a modifier which is not the specified char modifier (and is not shift) is down
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