Commit 0a1184bd authored by Joel Martin's avatar Joel Martin

API change: add sendKey() to manually send key code.

RFB.sendKey(code, down)

If down is not specified then both a down followed by an up code will
be sent.
parent 7e63919e
......@@ -1603,6 +1603,23 @@ that.sendCtrlAltDel = function() {
// Send a key press. If 'down' is not specified then send a down key
// followed by an up key.
that.sendKey = function(code, down) {
if (rfb_state !== "normal") { return false; }
var arr = [];
if (typeof down !== 'undefined') {
Util.Info("Sending key code (" + (down ? "down" : "up") + "): " + code);
arr = arr.concat(keyEvent(code, down ? 1 : 0));
} else {
Util.Info("Sending key code (down + up): " + code);
arr = arr.concat(keyEvent(code, 1));
arr = arr.concat(keyEvent(code, 0));
arr = arr.concat(fbUpdateRequest(1));
that.clipboardPasteFrom = function(text) {
if (rfb_state !== "normal") { return; }
//Util.Debug(">> clipboardPasteFrom: " + text.substr(0,40) + "...");
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