Last commit
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.cvsignore add rotate and flip example
1instance.c fixed maxRectsPerUpdate with Tight encoding bug; some autoconfing; stderr should not be used in a library (use rfbLog instead) Build shared libraries per default
backchannel.c The PseudoEncoding extension code was getting silly:
blooptest.c Fix blooptest example
camera.c malloc.h should not be needed (it is missing on quite a few platforms)
colourmaptest.c global structures/functions should have "rfb", "sra" or "zrle" as prefix,
example.c Fix blooptest example
example.dsp moved files to contrib/ and examples/
filetransfer.c This monster commit contains support for TightVNC's file transfer protocol.
fontsel.c ANSIfy, fix some warnings from Linus' sparse
mac.c previous patch turned compile warning in a compile error; fix that ;-)
pnmshow.c add rotate and flip example
pnmshow24.c x11vnc: the big split.
radon.h ANSIfy, fix some warnings from Linus' sparse
regiontest.c move the library into libvncserver/, x11vnc into x11vnc/
rotate.c add rotate and flip example
rotatetemplate.c add rotate and flip example
simple.c make examples g++ compileable, thanks to Juan Jose Costello
simple15.c make examples g++ compileable, thanks to Juan Jose Costello
storepasswd.c ANSIfy, fix some warnings from Linus' sparse
vncev.c hide strict ansi stuff if not explicitely turned on; actually use the socklen_t test from