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Created with Raphaël 2.2.02Jul30Jun2827261817151287628May272522141386528Apr20191312824Mar22151129Feb20430Jan29211916109Dec27Nov1178Oct11Sep829Aug1898632131Jul3029282725111028Jun5May3Apr28Feb272120191817161098730Dec25201915629Oct2231Aug27221928Jul13Jun3May230Apr2524234Mar19Feb1817Jan161421Dec14119827Nov26252322212019181514825Oct191816151312111098765432129Sep28272625242321201314Aug1 x11vnc: improve scaled grid calc to regain text compression. add :pad optiondo not use GNU-only getline x11vnc: round scaled width to multiple of 4 to make vncviewer happy. x11vnc: speed up scaling a bit, add no blending option to -scale x11vnc: add "-scale fraction" for global server-side scaling.convert c++ comments to c commentsdebugcleanups; libvncclient supports -encodings alreadycleanups; support vncrec'orded files as inputnow that the examples reside in a subdirectory, the classes path has to be adaptedmore comments; support playing vncrec'orded filessupport password reading with getpass(); support -play to play vncrec'orded files x11vnc: simple ~/.x11vncrc config file support, -rc, -norcfixedfix silly hextile bugrecognize more encodingsdebugfix CoRRE with maxRectsPerUpdate bugfix silly update bug with raw encoding x11vnc: -clear_mods -clear_keys -storepasswd, add RFB_SERVER_IP RFB_SERVER_PORT to -accept/-gonefix compilation on IRIXfix test for sdlfix compilation on MacOSXlayout and wording fixmore newsnow that it is released, increment x11vnc's versionall this moving and renaming needs changes in the cvsignores, too!fix bug 968264: make rpm did not work with x11vnc packageadd vnc2mpg, a program which makes a movie from a VNC desktop using FFMPEGadded -encodingsfix cursor trails (when not using cursor encoding and moving the cursor,add mouse button handlingadd client_examples/, add SDLvncviewer, libvncclient API changes, suppress automake CFLAGS nagging x11vnc: rearrange file for easier maintenance, add RFB_CLIENT_COUNT to -accept/-gone*** empty log message *** x11vnc: view-only plain passwd: -viewpasswd and 2nd line of -passwdfilea script which automatically converts a few files to make an x11vnc release-lvncserver is not default nowmove the library into libvncserver/, x11vnc into x11vnc/ x11vnc: -gone, -passwdfile, -o logfile; add view-only to -accept