Commit a5524005 authored by runge's avatar runge

x11vnc: more scrolling, -scr_term, -wait_ui, -nowait_bog

parent 8d116dfa
2005-05-17 Karl Runge <>
* x11vnc: more scrolling, -scr_term, -wait_ui, -nowait_bog
2005-05-15 Johannes E. Schindelin <>
* almost every file: ANSIfy, fix warnings from Linus' sparse
2005-05-17 Karl Runge <>
* more -scrollcopyrect, -scr_term hacks for terminals.
* -wait_ui, -nowait_bog tunables. push cursor sooner.
2005-05-14 Karl Runge <>
* much more work on "-scrollcopyrect" mode... getting usable.
* remove -pointer_mode 3, shift everyone back down
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -187,6 +187,8 @@ Misc
......@@ -263,6 +265,7 @@ Tuning
-- D
......@@ -193,6 +193,8 @@
" gaps:\n"
" grow:\n"
" fuzz:\n"
" wait_ui:\n"
" nowait_bog\n"
" readtimeout:\n"
" snapfb\n"
" threads\n"
......@@ -269,6 +271,7 @@
" scr_skip:\n"
" scr_inc:\n"
" scr_keys:\n"
" scr_term:\n"
" scr_parms:\n"
" -- D\n"
" speeds:\n"
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
.TH X11VNC "1" "May 2005" "x11vnc " "User Commands"
x11vnc - allow VNC connections to real X11 displays
version: 0.7.2, lastmod: 2005-05-14
version: 0.7.2, lastmod: 2005-05-17
.B x11vnc
......@@ -1187,6 +1187,31 @@ to cause scrolls. BTW, by default modifier keys,
Shift_L, Control_R, etc, are skipped since they almost
never induce scrolling by themselves.
\fB-scr_term\fR \fIlist\fR
Yet another cosmetic kludge. Apply shell/terminal
heuristics to applications matching comma separated
list (same as for \fB-scr_skip/-scr_inc).\fR For example an
annoying transient under scroll detection is if you
hit Enter in a terminal shell with full text window,
the solid text cursor block will be scrolled up.
So for a short time there are two (or more) block
cursors on the screen. There are similar scenarios,
(e.g. an output line is duplicated).
These transients are induced by the approximation of
scroll detection (e.g. it detects the scroll, but not
the fact that the block cursor was cleared just before
the scroll). In nearly all cases these transient errors
are repaired when the true X framebuffer is consulted
by the normal polling. But they are distracting, so
what this option provides is extra "padding" near the
bottom of the terminal window: a few extra lines near
the bottom will not be scrolled, but rather updated
from the actual X framebuffer. This usually reduces
the annoying artifacts. Use "none" to disable.
Default: "term"
\fB-scr_parms\fR \fIstring\fR
Set various parameters for the scrollcopyrect mode.
......@@ -1341,6 +1366,24 @@ Time in ms to wait for updates before sending to client
Time in ms to pause between screen polls. Used to cut
down on load. Default: 30
\fB-wait_ui\fR \fIfactor\fR
Factor by which to cut the \fB-wait\fR time if there
has been recent user input (pointer or keyboard).
Improves response, but increases the load whenever you
are moving the mouse or typing. Default: 2.00
Do not detect if the screen polling is "bogging down"
and sleep more. Some activities with no user input can
slow things down a lot: consider a large terminal window
with a long build running in it continously streaming
text output. By default x11vnc will try to detect this
(3 screen polls in a row each longer than 0.25 sec with
no user input), and sleep up to 1.5 secs to let things
"catch up". Use this option to disable the detection.
\fB-readtimeout\fR \fIn\fR
Set libvncserver rfbMaxClientWait to n seconds. On
......@@ -1513,8 +1556,8 @@ with /dev/fb0.
\fB-pipeinput\fR \fIcmd\fR
Another experimental option: it lets you supply
an extern command in \fIcmd\fR that x11vnc will pipe
Another experimental option: it lets you supply an
external command in \fIcmd\fR that x11vnc will pipe
all of the user input events to in a simple format.
In \fB-pipeinput\fR mode by default x11vnc will not process
any of the user input events. If you prefix \fIcmd\fR
......@@ -1897,6 +1940,8 @@ scr_inc:list set \fB-scr_inc\fR to "list"
scr_keys:list set \fB-scr_keys\fR to "list"
scr_term:list set \fB-scr_term\fR to "list"
scr_parms:str set \fB-scr_parms\fR parameters.
pointer_mode:n set \fB-pointer_mode\fR to n. same as "pm"
......@@ -1917,6 +1962,12 @@ defer:n set \fB-defer\fR to n ms,same as deferupdate:n
wait:n set \fB-wait\fR to n ms.
wait_ui:f set \fB-wait_ui\fR factor to f.
wait_bog disable \fB-nowait_bog\fR mode.
nowait_bog enable \fB-nowait_bog\fR mode.
readtimeout:n set read timeout to n seconds.
nap enable \fB-nap\fR mode.
......@@ -2069,35 +2120,35 @@ scale_cursor viewonly noviewonly shared noshared
forever noforever once timeout deny lock nodeny unlock
connect allowonce allow localhost nolocalhost listen
lookup nolookup accept gone shm noshm flipbyteorder
noflipbyteorder onetile noonetile solid_color
solid nosolid blackout xinerama noxinerama xtrap
noxtrap xrandr noxrandr xrandr_mode padgeom quiet q
noquiet modtweak nomodtweak xkb noxkb skip_keycodes
skip_dups noskip_dups add_keysyms noadd_keysyms
clear_mods noclear_mods clear_keys noclear_keys
remap repeat norepeat fb nofb bell nobell sel nosel
primary noprimary cursorshape nocursorshape cursorpos
nocursorpos cursor show_cursor noshow_cursor nocursor
arrow xfixes noxfixes xdamage noxdamage xd_area xd_mem
alphacut alphafrac alpharemove noalpharemove alphablend
noalphablend xwarppointer xwarp noxwarppointer noxwarp
buttonmap dragging nodragging wireframe_mode wireframe
wf nowireframe nowf wirecopyrect wcr nowirecopyrect
nowcr scr_area scr_skip scr_inc scr_keys scr_parms
noflipbyteorder onetile noonetile solid_color solid
nosolid blackout xinerama noxinerama xtrap noxtrap
xrandr noxrandr xrandr_mode padgeom quiet q noquiet
modtweak nomodtweak xkb noxkb skip_keycodes skip_dups
noskip_dups add_keysyms noadd_keysyms clear_mods
noclear_mods clear_keys noclear_keys remap repeat
norepeat fb nofb bell nobell sel nosel primary noprimary
cursorshape nocursorshape cursorpos nocursorpos cursor
show_cursor noshow_cursor nocursor arrow xfixes noxfixes
xdamage noxdamage xd_area xd_mem alphacut alphafrac
alpharemove noalpharemove alphablend noalphablend
xwarppointer xwarp noxwarppointer noxwarp buttonmap
dragging nodragging wireframe_mode wireframe wf
nowireframe nowf wirecopyrect wcr nowirecopyrect nowcr
scr_area scr_skip scr_inc scr_keys scr_term scr_parms
scrollcopyrect scr noscrollcopyrect noscr pointer_mode
pm input_skip input client_input speeds debug_pointer dp
nodebug_pointer nodp debug_keyboard dk nodebug_keyboard
nodk deferupdate defer wait readtimeout nap nonap
sb screen_blank fs gaps grow fuzz snapfb nosnapfb
rawfb progressive rfbport http nohttp httpport
httpdir enablehttpproxy noenablehttpproxy alwaysshared
noalwaysshared nevershared noalwaysshared dontdisconnect
nodontdisconnect desktop debug_xevents nodebug_xevents
debug_xevents debug_xdamage nodebug_xdamage
debug_xdamage debug_wireframe nodebug_wireframe
debug_wireframe debug_scroll nodebug_scroll debug_scroll
debug_tiles dbt nodebug_tiles nodbt debug_tiles dbg
nodbg noremote
nodk deferupdate defer wait_ui wait_bog nowait_bog wait
readtimeout nap nonap sb screen_blank fs gaps grow fuzz
snapfb nosnapfb rawfb progressive rfbport http nohttp
httpport httpdir enablehttpproxy noenablehttpproxy
alwaysshared noalwaysshared nevershared noalwaysshared
dontdisconnect nodontdisconnect desktop debug_xevents
nodebug_xevents debug_xevents debug_xdamage
nodebug_xdamage debug_xdamage debug_wireframe
nodebug_wireframe debug_wireframe debug_scroll
nodebug_scroll debug_scroll debug_tiles dbt
nodebug_tiles nodbt debug_tiles dbg nodbg noremote
aro= display vncdisplay desktopname http_url auth
users rootshift clipshift scale_str scaled_x scaled_y
This diff is collapsed.
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