Commit 0aa204d8 authored by Christian Beier's avatar Christian Beier

Update comments regarding rfbClientConnectionGone().

parent 668d3e37
......@@ -4,8 +4,9 @@
* This code should be independent of any changes in the RFB protocol. It just
* deals with the X server scheduling stuff, calling rfbNewClientConnection and
* rfbProcessClientMessage to actually deal with the protocol. If a socket
* needs to be closed for any reason then rfbCloseClient should be called, and
* this in turn will call rfbClientConnectionGone. To make an active
* needs to be closed for any reason then rfbCloseClient should be called. In turn,
* rfbClientConnectionGone will be called by rfbProcessEvents (non-threaded case)
* or clientInput (threaded case) in main.c. To make an active
* connection out, call rfbConnect - note that this does _not_ call
* rfbNewClientConnection.
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