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# Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Simon Josefsson <>
# Copyright (C) 2007 Luis Mondesi <>
# * calls git directly. To use it just: 
#   cd ~/Project/my_git_repo; git2cl > ChangeLog
# * implements strptime()
# * fixes bugs in $comment parsing
#   - copy input before we remove leading spaces
#   - skip "merge branch" statements as they don't
#     have information about files (i.e. we never
#     go into $state 2)
#   - behaves like a pipe/filter if input is given from the CLI
#     else it calls git log by itself
# The functions mywrap, last_line_len, wrap_log_entry are derived from
# the cvs2cl tool, see <>:
# Copyright (C) 2001,2002,2003,2004 Martyn J. Pearce <>
# Copyright (C) 1999 Karl Fogel <>
# git2cl is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# git2cl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with git2cl; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
# Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
# 02111-1307, USA.

use strict;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Text::Wrap qw(wrap);
use FileHandle;

use constant EMPTY_LOG_MESSAGE => '*** empty log message ***';

# this is a helper hash for stptime.
# Assumes you are calling 'git log ...' with LC_ALL=C
my %month = (

my $fh = new FileHandle;

sub key_ready
    my ($rin, $nfd);
    vec($rin, fileno(STDIN), 1) = 1;
    return $nfd = select($rin, undef, undef, 0);

sub strptime {
    my $str = shift;
    return undef if not defined $str;

    # we are parsing this format
    # Fri Oct 26 00:42:56 2007 -0400
    # to these fields
    # sec, min, hour, mday, mon, year, wday = -1, yday = -1, isdst = -1
    # Luis Mondesi <>
    my @date;
    if ($str =~ /([[:alpha:]]{3})\s+([[:alpha:]]{3})\s+([[:digit:]]{1,2})\s+([[:digit:]]{1,2}):([[:digit:]]{1,2}):([[:digit:]]{1,2})\s+([[:digit:]]{4})/){
        push(@date,$6,$5,$4,$3,$month{$2},($7 - 1900),-1,-1,-1);
    } else {
        die ("Cannot parse date '$str'\n'");
    return @date;

sub mywrap {
    my ($indent1, $indent2, @text) = @_;
    # If incoming text looks preformatted, don't get clever
    my $text = Text::Wrap::wrap($indent1, $indent2, @text);
    if ( grep /^\s+/m, @text ) {
	return $text;
    my @lines = split /\n/, $text;
    $indent2 =~ s!^((?: {8})+)!"\t" x (length($1)/8)!e;
    $lines[0] =~ s/^$indent1\s+/$indent1/;
	for @lines[1..$#lines];
    my $newtext = join "\n", @lines;
    $newtext .= "\n"
	if substr($text, -1) eq "\n";
    return $newtext;

sub last_line_len {
    my $files_list = shift;
    my @lines = split (/\n/, $files_list);
    my $last_line = pop (@lines);
    return length ($last_line);

# A custom wrap function, sensitive to some common constructs used in
# log entries.
sub wrap_log_entry {
    my $text = shift;                  # The text to wrap.
    my $left_pad_str = shift;          # String to pad with on the left.

    # These do NOT take left_pad_str into account:
    my $length_remaining = shift;      # Amount left on current line.
    my $max_line_length  = shift;      # Amount left for a blank line.

    my $wrapped_text = '';             # The accumulating wrapped entry.
    my $user_indent = '';              # Inherited user_indent from prev line.

    my $first_time = 1;                # First iteration of the loop?
    my $suppress_line_start_match = 0; # Set to disable line start checks.

    my @lines = split (/\n/, $text);
    while (@lines)   # Don't use `foreach' here, it won't work.
	my $this_line = shift (@lines);
	chomp $this_line;

	if ($this_line =~ /^(\s+)/) {
	    $user_indent = $1;
	else {
	    $user_indent = '';

	# If it matches any of the line-start regexps, print a newline now...
	if ($suppress_line_start_match)
	    $suppress_line_start_match = 0;
	elsif (($this_line =~ /^(\s*)\*\s+[a-zA-Z0-9]/)
	       || ($this_line =~ /^(\s*)\* [a-zA-Z0-9_\.\/\+-]+/)
	       || ($this_line =~ /^(\s*)\([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\/\+-]+(\)|,\s*)/)
	       || ($this_line =~ /^(\s+)(\S+)/)
	       || ($this_line =~ /^(\s*)- +/)
	       || ($this_line =~ /^()\s*$/)
	       || ($this_line =~ /^(\s*)\*\) +/)
	       || ($this_line =~ /^(\s*)[a-zA-Z0-9](\)|\.|\:) +/))
	    $length_remaining = $max_line_length - (length ($user_indent));

	# Now that any user_indent has been preserved, strip off leading
	# whitespace, so up-folding has no ugly side-effects.
	$this_line =~ s/^\s*//;

	# Accumulate the line, and adjust parameters for next line.
	my $this_len = length ($this_line);
	if ($this_len == 0)
	    # Blank lines should cancel any user_indent level.
	    $user_indent = '';
	    $length_remaining = $max_line_length;
	elsif ($this_len >= $length_remaining) # Line too long, try breaking it.
	    # Walk backwards from the end.  At first acceptable spot, break
	    # a new line.
	    my $idx = $length_remaining - 1;
	    if ($idx < 0) { $idx = 0 };
	    while ($idx > 0)
		if (substr ($this_line, $idx, 1) =~ /\s/)
		    my $line_now = substr ($this_line, 0, $idx);
		    my $next_line = substr ($this_line, $idx);
		    $this_line = $line_now;

		    # Clean whitespace off the end.
		    chomp $this_line;

		    # The current line is ready to be printed.
		    $this_line .= "\n${left_pad_str}";

		    # Make sure the next line is allowed full room.
		    $length_remaining = $max_line_length - (length ($user_indent));

		    # Strip next_line, but then preserve any user_indent.
		    $next_line =~ s/^\s*//;

		    # Sneak a peek at the user_indent of the upcoming line, so
		    # $next_line (which will now precede it) can inherit that
		    # indent level.  Otherwise, use whatever user_indent level
		    # we currently have, which might be none.
		    my $next_next_line = shift (@lines);
		    if ((defined ($next_next_line)) && ($next_next_line =~ /^(\s+)/)) {
			$next_line = $1 . $next_line if (defined ($1));
			# $length_remaining = $max_line_length - (length ($1));
			$next_next_line =~ s/^\s*//;
		    else {
			$next_line = $user_indent . $next_line;
		    if (defined ($next_next_line)) {
			unshift (@lines, $next_next_line);
		    unshift (@lines, $next_line);

		    # Our new next line might, coincidentally, begin with one of
		    # the line-start regexps, so we temporarily turn off
		    # sensitivity to that until we're past the line.
		    $suppress_line_start_match = 1;


	    if ($idx == 0)
		# We bottomed out because the line is longer than the
		# available space.  But that could be because the space is
		# small, or because the line is longer than even the maximum
		# possible space.  Handle both cases below.

		if ($length_remaining == ($max_line_length - (length ($user_indent))))
		    # The line is simply too long -- there is no hope of ever
		    # breaking it nicely, so just insert it verbatim, with
		    # appropriate padding.
		    $this_line = "\n${left_pad_str}${this_line}";
		    # Can't break it here, but may be able to on the next round...
		    unshift (@lines, $this_line);
		    $length_remaining = $max_line_length - (length ($user_indent));
		    $this_line = "\n${left_pad_str}";
	else  # $this_len < $length_remaining, so tack on what we can.
	    # Leave a note for the next iteration.
	    $length_remaining = $length_remaining - $this_len;

	    if ($this_line =~ /\.$/)
		$this_line .= "  ";
		$length_remaining -= 2;
	    else  # not a sentence end
		$this_line .= " ";
		$length_remaining -= 1;

	# Unconditionally indicate that loop has run at least once.
	$first_time = 0;

	$wrapped_text .= "${user_indent}${this_line}";

    # One last bit of padding.
    $wrapped_text .= "\n";

    return $wrapped_text;

# main

my @date;
my $author;
my @files;
my $comment;

my $state; # 0-header 1-comment 2-files
my $done = 0;

$state = 0;

# if reading from STDIN, we assume that we are
# getting git log as input
if (key_ready())

    #my $dummyfh; # don't care about writing
    #($fh,$dummyfh) = FileHandle::pipe;
    $fh->fdopen(*STDIN, 'r');
    $fh->open("LC_ALL=C git log --pretty --numstat --summary|")
	or die("Cannot execute git log...$!\n");

while (my $_l = <$fh>) {
    #print STDERR "debug ($state, " . (@date ? (strftime "%Y-%m-%d", @date) : "") . "): `$_'\n";
    if ($state == 0) {
	if ($_l =~ m,^Author: (.*),) {
	    $author = $1;
	if ($_l =~ m,^Date: (.*),) {
	    @date = strptime($1);
	$state = 1 if ($_l =~ m,^$, and $author and (@date+0>0));
    } elsif ($state == 1) {
        # * modifying our input text is a bad choice
        #   let's make a copy of it first, then we remove spaces 
        # * if we meet a "merge branch" statement, we need to start
        #   over and find a real entry
        # Luis Mondesi <>
        my $_s = $_l;
	$_s =~ s/^    //g;
        if ($_s =~ m/^Merge branch|^Merge remote branch/)
325 326
328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373
	$comment = $comment . $_s;
	$state = 2 if ($_l =~ m,^$,);
    } elsif ($state == 2) {
	if ($_l =~ m,^([0-9]+)\t([0-9]+)\t(.*)$,) {
	    push @files, $3;
	$done = 1 if ($_l =~ m,^$,);

    if ($done) {
	print (strftime "%Y-%m-%d  $author\n\n", @date);

	my $files = join (", ", @files);
	$files = mywrap ("\t", "\t", "* $files"), ": ";

	if (index($comment, EMPTY_LOG_MESSAGE) > -1 ) {
	    $comment = "[no log message]\n";

	my $files_last_line_len = 0;
	$files_last_line_len = last_line_len($files) + 1;
	my $msg = wrap_log_entry($comment, "\t", 69-$files_last_line_len, 69);

	$msg =~ s/[ \t]+\n/\n/g;

	print "$files: $msg\n";

	@date = ();
	$author = "";
	@files = ();
	$comment = "";

	$state = 0;
	$done = 0;

if (@date + 0)
    print (strftime "%Y-%m-%d  $author\n\n", @date);
    my $msg = wrap_log_entry($comment, "\t", 69, 69);
    $msg =~ s/[ \t]+\n/\n/g;
    print "\t* $msg\n";