libvideostitch unit tests
How to run the tests locally
CMake (single config command line builds):
After building with your build system (e.g. make or ninja), run ctest
- Tests can be run in parallel,
ctest -j 20
- A subset of tests can be run with a regex, e.g.
ctest -R controller
. Refer toctest --help
. - Tests are labeled. Unit tests can be run with
ctest -L unit
CMake (projects / IDEs):
A target is created for each test (to run and debug), and an additional target that runs all tests (RUN_TESTS).
Some lib unit tests load data from a relative path and thus require the working directory to be set lib/src/test.
Debugging tests
ctest --output-on-failure
will print the stdout of the test should it fail while being silent for passing tests.
It can be useful to run it directly instead of using the ctest command. On a Ninja build for example, the tests are placed in <build dir>/src/test/Test
. They can be run like any program with a debugger (e.g. lldb/gdb).
ctest --repeat-until-fail 100
can be useful to determine whether a previously randomly failing test now works consistently. It can be used in conjunction with --output-on-failure
if running a test from your IDE that loads data, you may need to manually set the working directory to lib/src/test
How to add new tests
To add new unit test cases
- Add a new file to lib/src/test, that starts with a lower case word and ends in ...Test.cpp
- Add the file to lib/src/test/CMakeLists.txt
Content of the unit test
the testing framework, from test/gpu, with its main file called testing.hpp Note: some unit tests depend on the old testing framework, which was CUDA only and remains in common/testing.hpp of now to keep these tests running. For new tests, be sure to usegpu/testing.hpp
Setting up the test
Provide a C++ main from where the setup, test and teardown functions are called.
To properly initialize the unit test, call VideoStitch::Testing::initTest()
. This sets up a crash handler that will print a backtrace, should the test crash at any time.
Testing and assertions
The testing framework in testing.hpp provides a set of equality assertion functions, like ENSURE
Mock objects
If you mock parts of the lib as part of your testing that could be usable by other tests, put them in test/common/. You can currently find some mock classes for ptv handling and input/readers.
Test data
Prefer data generated in the test over data loaded from disk. If the test depends on some external data, put it in test/data. As this is checked into the repository, the data must not surpass a couple of kiloBytes in size.
Best practice
- Single Unit tests should take no more than 10 seconds to complete
- Unit tests may be run in parallel -- Unit tests must not depend on 100% of the resources being available to a single test -- Unit tests should not depend on timing information
- If using a random number generator, give it a static seed in the test function