# Test to process ptv with different video input/output formatsFeature: Testing different video formats are working correctlyScenario Outline: Video formatsWhen I launch videostitch-cmd with formats/<ptv>.ptv and "-d 0 -f 1 -l 200"Then I expect the command to succeedWhen I compare video formats/output.<extension> to formats/<ptv>_v2.<extension>Then mse_avg is under 0.10AndI expect the number of frames of formats/output.<extension> to be 200When I check formats/output.<extension> integrity with avprobeThen The video is OKExamples:|ptv|extension||mov_h264|mov|# VSA-7077#| mov_mpeg2 | mov ||mov_mjpeg|mov|@slowScenario Outline: Video formatsWhen I launch videostitch-cmd with formats/<ptv>.ptv and "-d 0 -f 1 -l 200"Then I expect the command to succeedWhen I compare video formats/output.<extension> to formats/<ptv>_v2.<extension>Then mse_avg is under 0.10AndI expect the number of frames of formats/output.<extension> to be 200When I check formats/output.<extension> integrity with avprobeThen The video is OKExamples:|ptv|extension||mov_prores|mov||mp4_h264|mp4||mp4_mpeg2|mp4||mp4_mjpeg|mp4|