camera_fisheye.hpp 1.22 KB
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// Copyright (c) 2012-2017 VideoStitch SAS
// Copyright (c) 2018 stitchEm

#ifndef __CAMERA_FISHEYE__
#define __CAMERA_FISHEYE__

#include "camera.hpp"

namespace VideoStitch {
namespace Calibration {

@brief Used to simulate a rig's camera.
class Camera_Fisheye : public Camera {
  @brief Clone object
  virtual Camera* clone() const;

  @brief Backproject from image plane to unit sphere space
  @param campt 3d point on the camera frame's unit sphere
  @param jacobian the transformation jacobian
  @param impt the input image coordinates (in meters)
  @return false if some numerical problem happened
  virtual bool backproject(Eigen::Vector3d& campt, Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 2>& jacobian, const Eigen::Vector2d& impt);

  @brief Project from sphere space to image plane in meters
  @param impt_meters projected point in meters
  @param jacobian the transformation jacobian
  @param campt the input 3d coordinates (in camera space)
  @return false if some numerical problem happened
  virtual bool project(Eigen::Vector2d& impt_meters, Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 3>& jacobian,
                       const Eigen::Vector3d& campt);

}  // namespace Calibration
}  // namespace VideoStitch
