Remove petrobox logo also from gerbers

parent 44fa6a0c
G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Copper,L2,Bot,Signal*
G04 Gerber Fmt 4.6, Leading zero omitted, Abs format (unit mm)*
G04 Created by KiCad (PCBNEW 4.1.0-alpha+201606030946+6874~45~ubuntu16.04.1-product) date Thu Jul 14 05:08:24 2016*
G04 Created by KiCad (PCBNEW 4.1.0-alpha+201606030946+6874~45~ubuntu16.04.1-product) date Thu Sep 1 14:37:54 2016*
G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Soldermask,Bot*
G04 Gerber Fmt 4.6, Leading zero omitted, Abs format (unit mm)*
G04 Created by KiCad (PCBNEW 4.1.0-alpha+201606030946+6874~45~ubuntu16.04.1-product) date Thu Jul 14 05:08:24 2016*
G04 Created by KiCad (PCBNEW 4.1.0-alpha+201606030946+6874~45~ubuntu16.04.1-product) date Thu Sep 1 14:37:55 2016*
G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Profile,NP*
G04 Gerber Fmt 4.6, Leading zero omitted, Abs format (unit mm)*
G04 Created by KiCad (PCBNEW 4.1.0-alpha+201606030946+6874~45~ubuntu16.04.1-product) date Thu Jul 14 05:08:24 2016*
G04 Created by KiCad (PCBNEW 4.1.0-alpha+201606030946+6874~45~ubuntu16.04.1-product) date Thu Sep 1 14:37:55 2016*
G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Copper,L1,Top,Signal*
G04 Gerber Fmt 4.6, Leading zero omitted, Abs format (unit mm)*
G04 Created by KiCad (PCBNEW 4.1.0-alpha+201606030946+6874~45~ubuntu16.04.1-product) date Thu Jul 14 05:08:24 2016*
G04 Created by KiCad (PCBNEW 4.1.0-alpha+201606030946+6874~45~ubuntu16.04.1-product) date Thu Sep 1 14:37:54 2016*
G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Soldermask,Top*
G04 Gerber Fmt 4.6, Leading zero omitted, Abs format (unit mm)*
G04 Created by KiCad (PCBNEW 4.1.0-alpha+201606030946+6874~45~ubuntu16.04.1-product) date Thu Jul 14 05:08:24 2016*
G04 Created by KiCad (PCBNEW 4.1.0-alpha+201606030946+6874~45~ubuntu16.04.1-product) date Thu Sep 1 14:37:55 2016*
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  • 2-up
  • Swipe
  • Onion skin
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