Commit 0c0f23b4 authored by Jacek Furmankiewicz's avatar Jacek Furmankiewicz

url routing, argument extraction and conversion, url caching

parent 0d42ce09
REST micro-framework for Twisted
Twisted REST micro-framework
Based on Flask API, with integrated multiprocessing support
for full usage of all CPUs
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Based on *Flask* API, with integrated multiprocessing support for full usage of all CPUs.
Provides a more Flask/Sinatra-style API on top of the core *twisted.web* APIs.
Geared towards creating REST-oriented server platforms (e.g. as a source of data for a Javascript MVC app).
Tested exclusively on PyPy for maximum performance.
from corepost.server import CorePost
from corepost.enums import Http
app = CorePost()
def root(request):
return request.path
def test(request):
return request.path
def test_get_resources(request,numericid,stringid,**kwargs):
return "%s - %s" % (numericid,stringid)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Pushing 8,000+ TPS on a simple 'Hello World' app using 'ab -n 100000 -c 200'
for benchmarking while running on PyPy 1.6
* match all the relevant features of the Flask API
* integrate twisted.internet.processes in order to scale to multiple CPU cores :
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Common enums
@author: jacekf
class Http:
"""Enumerates HTTP methods"""
class MediaType:
"""Enumerates media types"""
WILDCARD = "*/*"
APPLICATION_XML = "application/xml"
APPLICATION_ATOM_XML = "application/atom+xml"
APPLICATION_XHTML_XML = "application/xhtml+xml"
APPLICATION_SVG_XML = "application/svg+xml"
APPLICATION_JSON = "application/json"
APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
MULTIPART_FORM_DATA = "multipart/form-data"
APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM = "application/octet-stream"
TEXT_PLAIN = "text/plain"
TEXT_XML = "text/xml"
TEXT_HTML = "text/html"
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Created on 2011-08-23
Main server classes
@author: jacekf
......@@ -8,63 +8,85 @@ from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.web.resource import Resource
from twisted.web.server import Site
from collections import defaultdict
class Http:
"""Enumerates HTTP methods"""
class MediaType:
"""Enumerates media types"""
WILDCARD = "*/*"
APPLICATION_XML = "application/xml"
APPLICATION_ATOM_XML = "application/atom+xml"
APPLICATION_XHTML_XML = "application/xhtml+xml"
APPLICATION_SVG_XML = "application/svg+xml"
APPLICATION_JSON = "application/json"
APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
MULTIPART_FORM_DATA = "multipart/form-data"
APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM = "application/octet-stream"
TEXT_PLAIN = "text/plain"
TEXT_XML = "text/xml"
TEXT_HTML = "text/html"
from enums import MediaType
class RequestRouter:
""" Common class for containing info related to routing a request to a function """
__urlMatcher = re.compile(r"<(int|float|):?([a-zA-Z0-9]+)>")
__urlRegexReplace = {"":r"(.+)","int":r"(d+)","float":r"(d+\.d+)"}
__urlRegexReplace = {"":r"(?P<arg>.+)","int":r"(?P<arg>\d+)","float":r"(?P<arg>\d+.?\d*)"}
__typeConverters = {"int":int,"float":float}
""" Common class for containing info related to routing a request to a function """
def __init__(self,f,url,method,accepts,produces):
def __init__(self,f,url,method,accepts,produces,cache):
self.__url = url
self.__method = method
self.__accepts = accepts
self.__produces = produces
self.__cache = cache
self.__f = f
self.__args = [] # dict of arg names -> group index
self.__argConverters = {} # dict of arg names -> group index
#parse URL into regex used for matching
m = RequestRouter.__urlMatcher.findall(url)
self.__matchUrl = url
self.__matchUrl = "^%s$" % url
for match in m:
if len(match[0]) == 0:
# string
self.__matchUrl = self.__matchUrl.replace("<%s>" % match[1],RequestRouter.__urlRegexReplace[match[0]])
self.__argConverters[match[1]] = None
self.__matchUrl = self.__matchUrl.replace("<%s>" % match[1],
# non string
self.__matchUrl = self.__matchUrl.replace("<%s:%s>" % match,RequestRouter.__urlRegexReplace[match[0]])
self.__argConverters[match[1]] = RequestRouter.__typeConverters[match[0]]
self.__matchUrl = self.__matchUrl.replace("<%s:%s>" % match,
self.__matcher = re.compile(self.__matchUrl)
def getMatch(self,url):
return self.__matcher.findall(url)
def cache(self):
"""Indicates if this URL should be cached or not"""
return self.__cache
def getArguments(self,url):
Returns None if nothing matched (i.e. URL does not match), empty dict if no args found (i,e, static URL)
or dict with arg/values for dynamic URLs
g =
if g != None:
args = g.groupdict()
# convert to expected datatypes
if len(args) > 0:
for name in args.keys():
converter = self.__argConverters[name]
if converter != None:
args[name] = converter(args[name])
return args
return None
def call(self,request,**kwargs):
"""Forwards call to underlying method"""
return self.__f(request,**kwargs)
class CachedUrl():
Used for caching URLs that have been already routed once before. Avoids the overhead
of regex processing on every incoming call for commonly accessed REST URLs
def __init__(self,router,args):
self.__router = router
self.__args = args
def call(self,**kwargs):
def router(self):
return self.__router
def args(self):
return self.__args
class CorePost(Resource):
......@@ -77,24 +99,24 @@ class CorePost(Resource):
self.__urls = defaultdict(dict)
self.__cachedUrls = defaultdict(dict) # used to avoid routing request to function on every request
self.__cachedUrls = defaultdict(dict)
self.__methods = {}
def __registerFunction(self,f,url,methods,accepts,produces):
def __registerFunction(self,f,url,methods,accepts,produces,cache):
if f not in self.__methods.values():
if not isinstance(methods,(list,tuple)):
methods = (methods,)
for method in methods:
self.__urls[method][url] = f
rq = RequestRouter(f, url, method, accepts, produces)
rq = RequestRouter(f, url, method, accepts, produces,cache)
self.__urls[method][url] = rq
self.__methods[url] = f
def route(self,url,methods=[],accepts=MediaType.WILDCARD,produces=None):
def route(self,url,methods=[],accepts=MediaType.WILDCARD,produces=None,cache=True):
"""Main decorator for registering REST functions """
def wrap(f):
self.__registerFunction(f, url, methods, accepts, produces)
self.__registerFunction(f, url, methods, accepts, produces,cache)
return f
return wrap
......@@ -115,10 +137,21 @@ class CorePost(Resource):
return self.__renderUrl(request)
def __renderUrl(self,request):
if request.path in self.__urls[request.method].keys():
return self.__urls[request.method][request.path]()
"""Finds the appropriate router and dispatches the request to the registered function"""
# see if already cached
if request.path in self.__cachedUrls[request.method]:
cachedUrl = self.__cachedUrls[request.method][request.path]
return self.__renderError(request,404,"URL '%s' not found\n" % request.path)
# first time this URL is called
for router in self.__urls[request.method].values():
args = router.getArguments(request.path)
if args != None:
if router.cache:
self.__cachedUrls[request.method][request.path] = CachedUrl(router, args)
return self.__renderError(request,404,"URL '%s' not found\n" % request.path)
def __renderError(self,request,code,message):
"""Common method for rendering errors"""
Created on 2011-08-23
Server tests
@author: jacekf
from corepost.server import CorePost, Http
from corepost.server import CorePost
from corepost.enums import Http
app = CorePost()
def test():
return "test"
def root(request):
return request.path
def test(request):
return request.path
def test_post():
return "test POST/PUT"
def test_get_resources(request,jacek,someid,**kwargs):
return "%s - %s" % (jacek,someid)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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