Update Readme

parent efc41940
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......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ If you like Safepi you can [donate via paypal](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/we
* It notify the Raspberry when primary power is absent on a configurable GpIO (pin 36 or 38) and then give enough time to shutdown from the batteries.
* When the RPi is on and the primary power is connected, it recharge the batteries.
* It provide safe voltage regulator giving the ability to power the RPi from 8V to 25V.
* It provide safe voltage regulator giving the ability to power the RPi from 7V to 25V.
* Battery drain when switched off if minimal (less than 10mA/h)
![SafePI 1.0](/safepi1.jpg)
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