
Osso Beaglebone (white/black) I/O cape board support files

Osso is a Beaglebone (white/black) expansion cape with 8 digital optoinsulated inputs and 8 relays 275VAC@10A.

The expansion cape has to be powered by a 12VDC connector (9 to 24VDC supported), and it will power the Beagleboard from expansion pins ( no needs to give external power from usb or power connector on the beaglebone! )

The size of the cape is a standard format for 9 units DIN mount boxes.

Test Debian GNU/Linux install available on https://github.com/unixmedia/Osso-Test-Install

For more infos: http://www.unixmedia.it/en/domotika/schede-di-espansione-prototipazione/osso-beaglebone-io-expansion-board

Osso board Osso board

Do you like our cape? donations in Bitcoins are accepted to 1FfyqV2SnrhM5sTwL9jUCt2qPDgCPnwggi

Pin diagram (green dot pins are optional, other required):

Osso Pin Diagram piwik tracking