Last commit
Last update
Tests added a GPL header to all python files
debian changed the directory of the UI components
man use installed qcad fonts if PyCAM's fonts are not found (useful for later debian packaging - excluding the font files)
pyinstaller disable multiprocessing for frozen Windows executable
samples Put in a bunch of debug messages which are commented out in the search for why this triangle (and some others) don't work right with the cylindrical cutter....
share more separation for the support grid plugins
src/pycam fixed divide-by-zero for progress bar counter
COPYING.TXT added unit option mm/in
Changelog merged r1055 and r1058 from branches/release-0.5.1
INSTALL.TXT minor fixes
LICENSE.TXT remove "executable" flags from some text files renamed "HOWTO.TXT" to "technical_details.txt"
Makefile create the alternative startup script for Windows during packaging
README.TXT minor fixes
pycam Put in a bunch of debug messages which are commented out in the search for why this triangle (and some others) don't work right with the cylindrical cutter.... disable multiprocessing for frozen Windows executable
release_info.txt changed the directory of the UI components
setup.cfg minor fixes fixed a compatibility issue with Python2.5
technical_details.txt renamed "HOWTO.TXT" to "technical_details.txt"