Last commit
Last update
Tests added a GPL header to all python files
artwork added a rotated logo (for the sf-wiki sidebar)
debian changed the directory of the UI components
desktop fixed all references to pycamGUI (now: pycam)
man use installed qcad fonts if PyCAM's fonts are not found (useful for later debian packaging - excluding the font files)
pyinstaller changed the directory of the UI components
samples fixed the order of vertices when exporting a model to an STL file
share added default icons for all windows
src/pycam added default icons for all windows
COPYING.TXT added unit option mm/in
Changelog implemented a very simple pocketing mode for 2D models
INSTALL.TXT some last release preparations
LICENSE.TXT remove "executable" flags from some text files renamed "HOWTO.TXT" to "technical_details.txt"
Makefile removed reference to TMP directory
README.TXT removed the obsolete SimpleGui
pycam added expansion of unix homedir (~) for output filenames some last release preparations
release_info.txt changed the directory of the UI components
setup.cfg changed the directory of the UI components changed the directory of the UI components
technical_details.txt renamed "HOWTO.TXT" to "technical_details.txt"