1. 28 Oct, 2012 1 commit
  2. 19 Jun, 2012 2 commits
    • Lars Kruse's avatar
      moved partial toolpath reading (for simulation) to a separate filter · 118c3b49
      Lars Kruse authored
      * additional TimeLimit filter
      * read feedrate and safety height from configured toolpath filters
    • Lars Kruse's avatar
      replaced toolpath handling with a more flexible approach · 8aceb43d
      Lars Kruse authored
      Toolpaths ("moves") are now created as simple lists containing a tuple
      of two values:
      - a type identifier (numeric constant) - e.g. "move", "move rapid", "safety move"
      - arguments (can be a tuple, as well)
      This structure allows the use of "filters" for GCode generation.
      A simple example:
      A "laser" GCode generator will turn all "safety move" items into
      "laser power on" and "laser power off" respectively.
      A milling machine GCode generator will turn all "safety move" items into
      rapid moves up, then sideways moves and then slow moves down to the next
      Currently the following filters are implemented:
      - skip a safety move if a short sideways move does no harm (e.g. zigzag mode)
      - replace safety moves with the proper combination of normal and rapid moves
      - a simple example filter for machine settings (feedrate, metric system, ...)
      Tool change and touch off, as well as the missing startup settings are still
  3. 15 Mar, 2012 1 commit
  4. 09 Mar, 2012 1 commit
    • Whitham D. Reeve II's avatar
      Direction cone speed improvements. · 911d16a4
      Whitham D. Reeve II authored
      This code commits draw_direction_cone_mesh which is an adaptation of draw_direction_cone to generate a mesh of triangles for compression inside a vertex buffer object. The rest of the opengl code in Toolpath has been changed to use this. Only remaining use of old rendering path way is simulation.
      Whitham D. Reeve II
  5. 07 Mar, 2012 1 commit
    • Whitham D. Reeve II's avatar
      Fixed a sluggish opengl window when a tool path is displayed. · 6d9954cd
      Whitham D. Reeve II authored
      Profiler suggests that the min/max functions for x/y/z of the Toolpath object were the main bottleneck. They iterate through all the points in each path every time they are accessed. These values are now cached which provides a huge speed boost. Originally I thought the problem was the opengl drawing code so I created a new code path that converts moves into an arrays of vertices and indices. The vertices array particularly is stored in video memory. While faster, I don't think it is all that much faster.
      Whitham D. Reeve II
  6. 05 Mar, 2012 1 commit
    • Whitham D. Reeve II's avatar
      Replace Point class with a 3 position tuple and a collection of helper functions. · 3ca79c3c
      Whitham D. Reeve II authored
      PyCam has been spending about 75% of it's time creating point objects. I decided to replace
      the pycam Point object with a 3 position tuple, and the pycam Vector object with a 4 position tuple.
      All of the point object methods were rewritten to accept and emit tuples. The transform_by_matrix method
      was rewritten to accept both 3 and 4 position tuples with behavior dependent on that size. The
      normalized method is the only method required to emit the same kind of object that it is called on, and
      this has been taken care of with the tuple version.
      What does this mean?
      All instances of Point(x,y,z) have been converted into (x,y,z)
      All instances of Vector(x,y,z) have been converted into (x,y,z,'v')
      The notation to access the x,y,z of the Point objects has been been changed
      	from p.x,p.y,p.z to p[0],p[1],p[2]
      The notation for the point math functions has been completely changed.
      Instead of p1.sub(p2) it has been converted to psub(p1,p2)
      Instead of p1.sub(p2).mul(0.5) it has been converted to pmul(psub(p1,p2), 0.5)
      It is very important to point out that the tuple is an immutable type.
      You can not change it once you create it.
      t[0] = calculated_x_value # syntax error
      You have to replace the reference (t) to the old tuple with a new reference to a new tuple.
      t = (calculated_x_value, t[1], t[2]) # works
      There was a particularly hairy mutable/immutable barrier in the next() generator present in each class that
      inherits TransformableContainer. The TransformableContainer.transform_by_matrix function uses these
      generators to collapse polygons and lines and triangles into points where a shift is performed on each.
      Now that point is immutable, you can not change the value emitted by the generator.
      Geometry/__init__.py transform_by_marix and the associated next() generator in each sub class has been
      rewritten to transfer the attr used to store the reference to the tuple.
      Geometry/__init__.py transform_by_matrix now sets these attributes which effectively gets around this
      There could be some old point object code in any of the files not contained in this commit.
      It is impossible to know without running the code path and/or careful analysis of each file.
      Some list comprehensions that convert a list of point objects into a 3 position tuple have been removed.
      Whitham D. Reeve II
  7. 21 Jan, 2012 1 commit
  8. 19 Jan, 2012 1 commit
  9. 13 Jan, 2012 1 commit
  10. 05 Dec, 2011 1 commit
  11. 23 Aug, 2011 1 commit
  12. 11 Aug, 2011 1 commit
  13. 09 Aug, 2011 1 commit
  14. 04 Aug, 2011 1 commit
  15. 25 Jul, 2011 1 commit
  16. 23 Jul, 2011 1 commit
  17. 19 Jul, 2011 1 commit