Commit c18047a7 authored by sumpfralle's avatar sumpfralle

improved 3d-view movement (via mouse) slightly

git-svn-id: bbaffbd6-741e-11dd-a85d-61de82d9cad9
parent 21558275
......@@ -113,6 +113,13 @@ class Camera:
# relation of x/y movement to the respective screen dimension
win_x_rel = ((-2.0 * x_move) / width) / math.sin(self.view["fovy"])
win_y_rel = ((-2.0 * y_move) / height) / math.sin(self.view["fovy"])
# This code is completely arbitrarily based on trial-and-error for
# finding a nice movement speed for all distances.
# Anyone with a better approach should just fix this.
distance_vector = self.get("distance")
distance = math.sqrt(sum([dim ** 2 for dim in distance_vector]))
win_x_rel *= math.cos(win_x_rel / distance) ** 20
win_y_rel *= math.cos(win_y_rel / distance) ** 20
# update the model position that should be centered on the screen
old_center = self.view["center"]
new_center = []
......@@ -419,7 +426,7 @@ class ModelViewWindowGL:
obj_dim.append(self.settings.get("maxx") - self.settings.get("minx"))
obj_dim.append(self.settings.get("maxy") - self.settings.get("miny"))
obj_dim.append(self.settings.get("maxz") - self.settings.get("minz"))
max_dim = max(max(obj_dim[0], obj_dim[1]), obj_dim[2])
max_dim = max(obj_dim) - start_x, y - start_y, max_dim)
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