Commit ac3dd85c authored by sumpfralle's avatar sumpfralle

separated collision detection functions for later re-use

git-svn-id: bbaffbd6-741e-11dd-a85d-61de82d9cad9
parent c6e15d92
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ along with PyCAM. If not, see <>.
from pycam.PathProcessors import *
from pycam.Geometry import *
from pycam.Geometry.utils import *
import pycam.PathGenerators
from pycam.PathGenerators import drop_cutter_test, get_free_horizontal_paths_ode
from pycam.Exporters.SVGExporter import SVGExporter
import math
......@@ -138,66 +138,6 @@ class PushCutter:
return paths
def get_free_paths_ode(self, minx, maxx, miny, maxy, z, depth=8):
""" Recursive function for splitting a line (usually along x or y) into
small pieces to gather connected paths for the PushCutter.
Strategy: check if the whole line is free (without collisions). Do a
recursive call (for the first and second half), if there was a
Usually either minx/maxx or miny/maxy should be equal, unless you want
to do a diagonal cut.
@param minx: lower limit of x
@type minx: float
@param maxx: upper limit of x; should equal minx for a cut along the x axis
@type maxx: float
@param miny: lower limit of y
@type miny: float
@param maxy: upper limit of y; should equal miny for a cut along the y axis
@type maxy: float
@param z: the fixed z level
@type z: float
@param depth: number of splits to be calculated via recursive calls; the
accuracy can be calculated as (maxx-minx)/(2^depth)
@type depth: int
@returns: a list of points that describe the tool path of the PushCutter;
each pair of points defines a collision-free path
@rtype: list(pycam.Geometry.Point.Point)
points = []
# "resize" the drill along the while x/y range and check for a collision
self.physics.extend_drill(maxx-minx, maxy-miny, 0.0)
self.physics.set_drill_position((minx, miny, z))
if self.physics.check_collision():
# collision detected
if depth > 0:
middle_x = (minx + maxx)/2.0
middle_y = (miny + maxy)/2.0
group1 = self.get_free_paths_ode(minx, middle_x, miny, middle_y, z, depth-1)
group2 = self.get_free_paths_ode(middle_x, maxx, middle_y, maxy, z, depth-1)
if group1 and group2 and (group1[-1].x == group2[0].x) and (group1[-1].y == group2[0].y):
# the last couple of the first group ends where the first couple of the second group starts
# we will combine them into one couple
last = group1[-2]
first = group2[1]
combined = [last, first]
# the two groups are not connected - just add both
# no points to be added
# no collision - the line is free
points.append(Point(minx, miny, z))
points.append(Point(maxx, maxy, z))
return points
def GenerateToolPathSlice_ode(self, minx, maxx, miny, maxy, z, dx, dy,
draw_callback=None, progress_counter=None):
""" only dx or (exclusive!) dy may be bigger than zero
......@@ -224,9 +164,9 @@ class PushCutter:
if dx > 0:
points = self.get_free_paths_ode(x, x, miny, maxy, z, depth=depth_x)
points = get_free_horizontal_paths_ode(self.physics, x, x, miny, maxy, z, depth=depth_x)
points = self.get_free_paths_ode(minx, maxx, y, y, z, depth=depth_y)
points = get_free_horizontal_paths_ode(self.physics, minx, maxx, y, y, z, depth=depth_y)
for p in points:
......@@ -254,19 +194,6 @@ class PushCutter:
def DropCutterTest(self, point, model):
zmax = -INFINITE
tmax = None
c = self.cutter
for t in model.triangles():
if t.normal().z < 0: continue
cl = c.drop(t)
if cl and cl.z > zmax and cl.z < INFINITE:
zmax = cl.z
tmax = t
return (zmax, tmax)
def GenerateToolPathSlice_triangles(self, minx, maxx, miny, maxy, z, dx, dy,
draw_callback=None, progress_counter=None):
......@@ -379,7 +306,7 @@ class PushCutter:
# determine height at each interesting point
for h in hits:
(zmax, tmax) = self.DropCutterTest(, model)
(zmax, tmax) = drop_cutter_test(self.cutter,, model)
h.z = zmax
if DEBUG_PUSHCUTTER: print "@ cl=",,",d=",h.d,",z=",h.z
if DEBUG_PUSHCUTTER3: self.svg.fill("blue"); self.svg.AddDot(, h.z)
......@@ -20,9 +20,84 @@ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with PyCAM. If not, see <>.
list = ["DropCutter", "PushCutter"]
__all__ = list
__all__ = ["DropCutter", "PushCutter"]
from DropCutter import DropCutter
from PushCutter import PushCutter
from pycam.Geometry.utils import INFINITE
from pycam.Geometry import Point
def get_free_horizontal_paths_ode(physics, minx, maxx, miny, maxy, z, depth=8):
""" Recursive function for splitting a line (usually along x or y) into
small pieces to gather connected paths for the PushCutter.
Strategy: check if the whole line is free (without collisions). Do a
recursive call (for the first and second half), if there was a
Usually either minx/maxx or miny/maxy should be equal, unless you want
to do a diagonal cut.
@param minx: lower limit of x
@type minx: float
@param maxx: upper limit of x; should equal minx for a cut along the x axis
@type maxx: float
@param miny: lower limit of y
@type miny: float
@param maxy: upper limit of y; should equal miny for a cut along the y axis
@type maxy: float
@param z: the fixed z level
@type z: float
@param depth: number of splits to be calculated via recursive calls; the
accuracy can be calculated as (maxx-minx)/(2^depth)
@type depth: int
@returns: a list of points that describe the tool path of the PushCutter;
each pair of points defines a collision-free path
@rtype: list(pycam.Geometry.Point.Point)
points = []
# "resize" the drill along the while x/y range and check for a collision
physics.extend_drill(maxx-minx, maxy-miny, 0.0)
physics.set_drill_position((minx, miny, z))
if physics.check_collision():
# collision detected
if depth > 0:
middle_x = (minx + maxx)/2.0
middle_y = (miny + maxy)/2.0
group1 = get_free_horizontal_paths_ode(physics, minx, middle_x,
miny, middle_y, z, depth-1)
group2 = get_free_horizontal_paths_ode(physics, middle_x, maxx,
middle_y, maxy, z, depth-1)
if group1 and group2 and (group1[-1].x == group2[0].x) and (group1[-1].y == group2[0].y):
# the last couple of the first group ends where the first couple of the second group starts
# we will combine them into one couple
last = group1[-2]
first = group2[1]
combined = [last, first]
# the two groups are not connected - just add both
# no points to be added
# no collision - the line is free
points.append(Point(minx, miny, z))
points.append(Point(maxx, maxy, z))
return points
def drop_cutter_test(cutter, point, model):
zmax = -INFINITE
tmax = None
c = cutter
for t in model.triangles():
if t.normal().z < 0: continue
cl = c.drop(t)
if cl and cl.z > zmax and cl.z < INFINITE:
zmax = cl.z
tmax = t
return (zmax, tmax)
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