Commit 9f26e34e authored by Lars Kruse's avatar Lars Kruse

remove multiple points in line during a DropCutter run

parent dd86ba84
......@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ def get_max_height_dynamic(model, cutter, positions, minz, maxz, physics=None):
max_depth = 8
# the points don't need to get closer than 1/1000 of the cutter radius
min_distance = cutter.distance_radius / 1000
result = []
points = []
if physics:
get_max_height = lambda x, y: get_max_height_ode(physics, x, y, minz,
......@@ -275,15 +275,15 @@ def get_max_height_dynamic(model, cutter, positions, minz, maxz, physics=None):
# add one point between all existing points
for index in range(len(positions)):
p = positions[index]
result.append(get_max_height(p[0], p[1]))
points.append(get_max_height(p[0], p[1]))
# Check if three consecutive points are "flat".
# Add additional points if necessary.
index = 0
depth_count = 0
while index < len(result) - 2:
p1 = result[index]
p2 = result[index + 1]
p3 = result[index + 2]
while index < len(points) - 2:
p1 = points[index]
p2 = points[index + 1]
p3 = points[index + 2]
if (not p1 is None) and (not p2 is None) and (not p3 is None) and \
not _check_deviance_of_adjacent_points(p1, p2, p3,
min_distance) and \
......@@ -292,14 +292,21 @@ def get_max_height_dynamic(model, cutter, positions, minz, maxz, physics=None):
if depth_count % 3 != 2:
# insert between the 1st and 2nd point
middle = ((p1[0] + p2[0]) / 2, (p1[1] + p2[1]) / 2)
result.insert(index + 1, get_max_height(middle[0], middle[1]))
points.insert(index + 1, get_max_height(middle[0], middle[1]))
# insert between the 2nd and 3rd point
middle = ((p2[0] + p3[0]) / 2, (p2[1] + p3[1]) / 2)
result.insert(index + 2, get_max_height(middle[0], middle[1]))
points.insert(index + 2, get_max_height(middle[0], middle[1]))
depth_count += 1
index += 1
depth_count = 0
return result
# remove all points that are in line
index = 1
while index + 1 < len(points):
p1, p2, p3 = points[index-1:index+2]
if _check_deviance_of_adjacent_points(p1, p2, p3, 0):
# remove superfluous point
return points
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