Commit 9c11715e authored by sumpfralle's avatar sumpfralle

fixed intersection of lines to always return the first intersection (in case...

fixed intersection of lines to always return the first intersection (in case of multiple candidates)

git-svn-id: bbaffbd6-741e-11dd-a85d-61de82d9cad9
parent d2cff545
......@@ -157,16 +157,20 @@ class Line(TransformableContainer):
# the lines are parallel with a distance
return None, None
# the lines are on one straight
candidates = []
if self.is_point_in_line(x3):
return x3, c.norm / a.norm
candidates.append((x3, c.norm / a.norm))
elif self.is_point_in_line(x4):
return x4, line.p2.sub(self.p1).norm / a.norm
candidates.append((x4, line.p2.sub(self.p1).norm / a.norm))
elif line.is_point_in_line(x1):
return x1, 0
candidates.append((x1, 0))
elif line.is_point_in_line(x2):
return x2, 1
candidates.append((x2, 1))
return None, None
# return the collision candidate with the lowest distance
candidates.sort(key=lambda (cp, dist): dist)
return candidates[0]
if infinite_lines or (-epsilon <= factor <= 1 + epsilon):
intersection = x1.add(a.mul(factor))
# check if the intersection is between x3 and x4
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