Commit 8e70ac8e authored by sumpfralle's avatar sumpfralle

disable ODE in multiprocessing mode ("get_shape" results are not pickable)

git-svn-id: bbaffbd6-741e-11dd-a85d-61de82d9cad9
parent 726eacd5
......@@ -609,7 +609,8 @@ class ProjectGui:
obj.connect("color-set", self.update_view)
# set the availability of ODE
enable_ode_control = self.gui.get_object("SettingEnableODE")
if pycam.Physics.ode_physics.is_ode_available():
if not pycam.Utils.threading.is_multiprocessing_enabled \
and pycam.Physics.ode_physics.is_ode_available():
self.settings.add_item("enable_ode", enable_ode_control.get_active, enable_ode_control.set_active)
......@@ -1591,7 +1592,11 @@ class ProjectGui:
self.log_model.append((timestamp, title, message))
# update the status bar (if the GTK interface is still active)
if not self.status_bar.window is None:
self.status_bar.push(0, message)
self.status_bar.push(0, message)
except TypeError:
new_message = re.sub("[^\w\s]", "", message)
self.status_bar.push(0, new_message)
def copy_log_to_clipboard(self, widget=None):
......@@ -109,10 +109,7 @@ class DropCutter:
xy_coords = [(pos.x, pos.y) for pos in one_grid_line]
args.append((xy_coords, minz, maxz, self.model, self.cutter,
# ODE does not work with multi-threading (TODO: check this)
disable_multiprocessing = not self.physics is None
for points in run_in_parallel(_process_one_grid_line,
args, disable_multiprocessing=disable_multiprocessing):
for points in run_in_parallel(_process_one_grid_line, args):
if draw_callback and draw_callback(text="DropCutter: processing " \
+ "line %d/%d" % (current_line + 1, num_of_lines)):
......@@ -43,6 +43,10 @@ def _process_one_line((p1, p2, depth, models, cutter, physics)):
class PushCutter:
def __init__(self, cutter, models, path_processor, physics=None):
if physics is None:
log.debug("Starting PushCutter (without ODE)")
log.debug("Starting PushCutter (with ODE)")
self.cutter = cutter
self.models = models = path_processor
......@@ -130,10 +134,7 @@ class PushCutter:
p1, p2 = line
args.append((p1, p2, depth, models, self.cutter, self.physics))
# ODE does not work with multi-threading
disable_multiprocessing = not self.physics is None
for points in run_in_parallel(_process_one_line, args,
for points in run_in_parallel(_process_one_line, args):
if points:
for p in points:
......@@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ def generate_toolpath(model, tool_settings=None,
@return: the resulting toolpath object or an error string in case of invalid
log.debug("Starting toolpath generation")
overlap = number(overlap)
step_down = number(step_down)
engrave_offset = number(engrave_offset)
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ log = pycam.Utils.log.get_logger()
# possible values:
# None: not initialized
# False: no threading
# multiprocessing: the multiprocessing module is impored and enabled
# multiprocessing: the multiprocessing module is imported and enabled later
__multiprocessing = None
# needs to be initialized, if multiprocessing is enabled
......@@ -76,6 +76,13 @@ def run_in_parallel(*args, **kwargs):
def is_pool_available():
return not __manager is None
def is_multiprocessing_enabled():
return not __multiprocessing is None
def is_server_mode_available():
# server mode is disabled for the Windows standalone executable
return not (hasattr(sys, "frozen") and sys.frozen)
def get_pool_statistics():
global __manager
if __manager is None:
......@@ -83,12 +90,13 @@ def get_pool_statistics():
return __manager.statistics().get_worker_statistics()
def init_threading(number_of_processes=None, enable_server=False, remote=None, run_server=False,
def init_threading(number_of_processes=None, enable_server=False, remote=None,
run_server=False, server_credentials=""):
global __multiprocessing, __num_of_processes, __manager, __closing, __task_source_uuid
# server mode is disabled for the Windows standalone executable
is_frozen = hasattr(sys, "frozen") and sys.frozen
if is_frozen and (enable_server or run_server):
if __multiprocessing:
# kill the manager and clean everything up for a re-initialization
if (not is_server_mode_available()) and (enable_server or run_server):
# server mode is disabled for the Windows pyinstaller standalone
# due to "pickle errors". How to reproduce: run the standalone binary
# with "--enable-server --server-auth-key foo".
......@@ -113,7 +121,7 @@ def init_threading(number_of_processes=None, enable_server=False, remote=None, r
remote = None
run_server = None
server_credentials = ""
if is_frozen:
if not is_server_mode_available():
# Running multiple processes with the Windows standalone executable
# causes "WindowsError: invalid handle" error messages. The processes
# can't communicate - thus no results are returned.
......@@ -246,6 +254,8 @@ def cleanup():
# check if it is still alive and kill it if necessary
if __manager._process.is_alive():
__manager = None
__closing = None
def _spawn_daemon(manager, number_of_processes, worker_uuid_list):
""" wait for items in the 'tasks' queue to appear and then spawn workers
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