Commit 8c0e3576 authored by Paul Bonser's avatar Paul Bonser

Add profiling script, currently profiles dropcutter

parent 3af54b31
import cProfile
from os.path import join
import pstats
import sys
from time import time
from pycam.Cutters.CylindricalCutter import CylindricalCutter
from pycam.Gui.Console import ConsoleProgressBar
from pycam.Importers.STLImporter import ImportModel
from pycam.PathGenerators.DropCutter import DropCutter
from pycam.PathProcessors.PathAccumulator import PathAccumulator
from pycam.Toolpath import Bounds
from pycam.Toolpath.MotionGrid import get_fixed_grid
from pycam.Utils.locations import get_data_file_location
""" Profile PyCAM doing several operations, print out the top 10
(sorted by actual local runtime) methods.
model = ImportModel(get_data_file_location(join('samples', 'pycam-textbox.stl')))
print model.minx, model.miny, model.maxx, model.maxy
def run_dropcutter():
""" Run DropCutter on standard PyCAM sample plaque """
progress_bar = ConsoleProgressBar(sys.stdout)
overlap = .6
layer_distance = 1
tool = CylindricalCutter(10)
path_generator = DropCutter(PathAccumulator())
bounds = Bounds(Bounds.TYPE_CUSTOM,
(model.minx-5, model.miny-5, model.minz),
(model.maxx+5, model.maxy+5, model.maxz))
low, high = bounds.get_absolute_limits()
line_distance = 2 * tool.radius * (1.0 - overlap)
motion_grid = get_fixed_grid((low, high), layer_distance,
line_distance, tool.radius / 4.0)
moves = path_generator.GenerateToolPath(tool, [model], motion_grid,
minz=low[2], maxz=high[2],
if __name__ == '__main__':
start_time = time()'run_dropcutter()', 'dropcutter.pyprof')
run_time = time() - start_time
print '\nDropcutter took %f seconds' % run_time
p = pstats.Stats('dropcutter.pyprof')
print 'Top ten time-consuming functions:'
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