Commit 88d4da8a authored by sumpfralle's avatar sumpfralle

added support for LWPOLYLINE

git-svn-id: bbaffbd6-741e-11dd-a85d-61de82d9cad9
parent 0e714445
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Version 0.4.1 - UNRELEASED
* added support for single-line fonts text (based on fonts from QCAD)
* parallel and distributed processing is configurable in a dialog
* visualize movements up to safety height properly
* added support for DXF feature "LWPOLYLINE"
* unify DropCutter behaviour for models that are higher than the defined bounding box
* always move up to safety height in this case
* optional visualization of toolpath direction
......@@ -161,12 +161,71 @@ class DXFParser:
elif value == "LINE":
elif value == "LWPOLYLINE":
# not supported
log.warn("DXFImporter: Ignored unsupported element in " \
+ "line %d: %s" % (self.line_number, value))
key, value = self._read_key_value()
def parse_polyline(self):
points = []
def add_point(p_array):
# fill all "None" values with zero
for index in range(len(p_array)):
if p_array[index] is None:
if index == 0:
print "WEIRDX: %d - %s" % (self.line_number, p_array)
if index == 1:
print "WEIRDY: %d - %s" % (self.line_number, p_array)
p_array[index] = 0
points.append(Point(p_array[0], p_array[1], p_array[2]))
start_line = self.line_number
current_point = [None, None, None]
key, value = self._read_key_value()
while (not key is None) and (key != self.KEYS["MARKER"]):
if key == self.KEYS["START_X"]:
axis = 0
elif key == self.KEYS["START_Y"]:
axis = 1
elif key == self.KEYS["START_Z"]:
axis = 2
axis = None
if not axis is None:
if current_point[axis] is None:
# The current point definition is not complete, yet.
current_point[axis] = value
# The current point seems to be complete.
current_point = [None, None, None]
current_point[axis] = value
key, value = self._read_key_value()
end_line = self.line_number
# The last lines were not used - they are just the marker for the next
# item.
if not key is None:
self._push_on_stack(key, value)
# check if there is a remaining item in "current_point"
if len(current_point) != current_point.count(None):
if len(points) < 2:
# too few points for a polyline
log.warn("DXFImporter: Empty LWPOLYLINE definition between line " \
+ "%d and %d" % (start_line, end_line))
for index in range(len(points) - 1):
point = points[index]
next_point = points[index + 1]
if point != next_point:
self.lines.append(Line(point, next_point))
log.warn("DXFImporter: Ignoring zero-length LINE " \
+ "(between input line %d and %d): %s" \
% (start_line, end_line, point))
def parse_line(self):
start_line = self.line_number
p1 = [None, None, None]
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