Commit 83fcd65b authored by sumpfralle's avatar sumpfralle

revert 3D view movement directions again (back to the previous state -...

revert 3D view movement directions again (back to the previous state - shifting the viewport instead of shifting the model))

git-svn-id: bbaffbd6-741e-11dd-a85d-61de82d9cad9
parent 74650323
......@@ -346,18 +346,18 @@ class ModelViewWindowGL:
# define arrow keys and "vi"-like navigation keys
move_keys_dict = {
gtk.keysyms.Left: (-1, 0),
gtk.keysyms.Down: (0, 1),
gtk.keysyms.Up: (0, -1),
gtk.keysyms.Right: (1, 0),
ord("h"): (-1, 0),
ord("j"): (0, 1),
ord("k"): (0, -1),
ord("l"): (1, 0),
ord("H"): (1, 0),
ord("J"): (0, -1),
ord("K"): (0, 1),
ord("L"): (-1, 0),
gtk.keysyms.Left: (1, 0),
gtk.keysyms.Down: (0, -1),
gtk.keysyms.Up: (0, 1),
gtk.keysyms.Right: (-1, 0),
ord("h"): (1, 0),
ord("j"): (0, -1),
ord("k"): (0, 1),
ord("l"): (-1, 0),
ord("H"): (-1, 0),
ord("J"): (0, 1),
ord("K"): (0, -1),
ord("L"): (1, 0),
def get_char(value):
# avoid exceptions
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